Your September 2024 Energy Forecast

September is just around the corner, beautiful gems, bringing orange-yellow skies of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere. The waves of change continue to take over the airwaves as we quantum leap throughout the year into a brand new month that is all about nurturing ourselves and purposefully reaching a higher consciousness. This is a season of change and the dance of balancing light and dark.

September is generally known as the ninth month in numerology. However, September’s collective numerology for 2024 is “eight,” representing abundance, balance, karma, personal power, and universal law and order. We are also in a number 8 year!

8 is associated with the following energy:

  • Business, opportunity, & wealth
  • Finding a balance between the material & spiritual world
  • Achieving increased success through ambition & determination
  • Perfecting the emotions of love, fear, compassion, ambition, humility, bonding, & receptiveness

The Sun continues to move through Virgo at the beginning of the month, highlighting refinement, organization, and health. It’s a time to get your life in order, fine-tune the details, and focus on what truly benefits your well-being. Mid-month, the Sun shifts into Libra, the Equinox, a day of perfect balance between light and dark. Libra season invites harmony, balance, and a deeper understanding of relationships, encouraging us to reflect on where we need more equilibrium in our lives.

It’s all about breakthroughs and bouncing back this month. You’ll be able to see through the negative emotions in the narratives and stories you’ve been holding on to so you can understand what’s really going on in the background. It’s time to reinvent yourself from the inside out. Anything rare or unexpected that takes you by surprise is a golden opportunity to elevate your game and transcend old patterns. Remember, distractions aren’t here to frustrate you—they signal a need to wake up, pay attention, and step your game up.

When we cling to attachments, we might think we’ve got everything figured out, predicting outcomes like clockwork. But when the Universe decides you’re ready for more, a shake-up will take you to places you’ve never imagined. The spontaneous changes are a gift that requires agility and grace. If you attempt to mentally control the situation, you may miss an opportunity that leads to growth. It is the time to trust your heart, let go of attachments, and allow something new to inspire you. Awakening often occurs in unexpected moments that take you off course but lead you closer to your true self.

Now, before we dive into this in-depth cosmic forecast, here are some themes to expect this month:

  • Travel
  • Divine protection
  • Births & divine blessings
  • Fortune, wealth, business, & commerce
  • Leadership & surprising discoveries
  • Greater gratitude & transformation of one’s lifestyle
  • A wide range of political, artistic, & scientific activities

What to Expect Astrologically in September 2024

September 1: Uranus Turns Retrograde & Pluto Re-Enters Capricorn

Awakening Inner Revolutions & Unseen Potential

The month starts with a bang as Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus from September 1 until January 30th, 2025. This shake-up in stability and finances urges us to rethink our values and incorporate new ways of living and thinking. In addition, Pluto retrograde reenters Capricorn to dance one last time before returning to Aquarius on November 19th, 2024, through March 8th, 2043. Pluto’s final stint in Capricorn is like the Tower card in tarot: old structures crumble as we reach the climax of this intense transformation.

Since Uranus and Pluto are generational planets, their movements impact us globally and individually. Uranus challenges our views on resources, security, and stability, while Pluto reveals hidden truths and fears that need transformation.

As we head into a powerful political season, protecting and grounding your energy is crucial. This period is about preparing for the new while the old falls away. Stay centered, stay informed, and keep faith alive. Although it may seem chaotic right now, the cosmos is pushing us toward growth and evolution.

September 2: New Moon in Virgo

Purification & Renewal

September 2nd marks the New Moon in Virgo, the perfect time for cleansing and purification, renewal and reset. Our daily routines, work habits, and healing practices are reorganized and improved this New Moon. Now is the perfect time to review your priorities and make practical changes that will improve your quality of life. Be more careful about how you invest your time and energy, whether you’re starting a new health routine, adjusting your work schedule, or focusing on personal growth. Refining your approach to better health and efficiency is the key. This New Moon also opens the eclipse portal with a partial and annular solar eclipse.

This Virgo New Moon also brings our attention to the balance between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It reminds us that self-care is essential and that taking care of ourselves holistically pays off. Use this time to address what isn’t working and restore order in your life. Pay attention to how your inner state reflects in your outer experiences and find spiritual lessons in your everyday life.

The highest level of alignment is now available across all dimensions. When both our conscious and unconscious aspects are awakened, purified, and harmonized during the New Moon, this process involves having the courage to release anything that doesn’t support or reflect our higher Self and divine expression of mastery.

Overall, this New Moon is a spiritual detox that unlocks our full potential. This is about embodying personal mastery and acting in ways that honor and uplift everyone around us. It is about integrating our highest purpose with excellence.

September 9: Mercury Enters Virgo

Aligning Thought With Divine Order

Mercury reenters Virgo on September 9, bringing an opportunity for introspection and refinement. Mercury began its retrograde in Virgo last month, briefly dipped into Leo, ended its retrograde, and now returns to Virgo. With this transit, we are encouraged to sharpen our discernment, be more observant, and pay attention to how our bodies communicate with us. Mercury is at home in Virgo and naturally inclined to self-analysis and self-observation. This transit brings an opportunity to renew our relationship with health by listening to our bodies’ messages.

Organize your life, complete detailed projects, and plan well. Communication becomes more effective, and your ability to convey ideas clearly and quickly increases. It’s the perfect time to refine your skills, focus on self-improvement, and pay attention to the finer details that might have been overlooked.

September 12: Sun-Jupiter Square

Finding Balance Between Expansion & Intuition

On September 12, the Sun in Virgo collides with Jupiter in Gemini, creating an abundance of opportunities and challenges. This aspect encourages you to explore new possibilities and take bold steps toward your goals, bringing optimism and expansive thinking. However, avoid overextending yourself and overcommitting, which can lead to frustration and burnout. It’s essential to balance your ambition with practicality by taking small, focused steps and exercising patience.

Take time to reflect on your past experiences, clarify your priorities, and set realistic and well-defined goals. Honest communication and mutual cooperation are crucial in relationships. Avoid the temptation to manipulate situations or people to suit your needs, as this will likely backfire. Instead, treat others with integrity and transparency, using your efficient communication skills to build trust and understanding.

September 15: Mars & the Nodes

Celestial Realignment

Mars clashes with the North Node and the South Node on September 13th. This square activates sensitive points from the April solar eclipse, so you’re not alone if you’ve felt echoes of that energy.

Mars in Cancer is all about emotional drive and protecting what we care about, while the North Node in Aries pushes us towards bold, independent actions, and the South Node in Libra emphasizes relationships. This tension can stir up unresolved issues, creating a potent mix of emotions. It encourages respect for order and authority, offering a chance to address and heal deep-seated emotional and psychic wounds.

The key to navigating this square is finding a balance between the assertive, action-oriented energy of Mars and the need for emotional security and harmony influenced by the nodes. Aim to assert your needs while maintaining empathy and understanding. Take time to reflect on past experiences, especially those related to the April solar eclipse, so that you will be able to gain insight and guide your actions.

When you balance assertiveness with compassion, you can navigate this intense energy and establish harmonious relationships, future success, and wealth. This is about the past, present, and future and how your relationships, needs, and emotional understanding play a role in your experiences.

September 17: Full Moon in Pisces

Accessing Secrets of the Soul

On September 17th, a Full Moon at 25 degrees Pisces brings a partial lunar eclipse. As the Sun shines brightly in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces, this event highlights a powerful time for reflection and clarity. The partial lunar eclipse offers a chance to see beyond illusions and recognize deeper truths.

During this Full Moon in Pisces, we are invited to give space to our emotions and to follow our intuition. The Moon is a mirror, reflecting our current state of consciousness and the fruit of what we have sown. With the Sun in Virgo providing precision and clarity, we can align and adjust our paths with greater wisdom and understanding.

In this magical time, finding a balance between planning and improvisation, effort and passivity, and attention to detail versus staying grounded in reality is essential. Consider how your emotions lead you, and keep your practical grounding in mind to avoid getting lost in your dreams. Ask yourself: What truths are being revealed to me? What can I do to align my emotional intuition with practical action better? How well do I balance my dreams with practical steps to reach them? This Full Moon reminds us of our limitless potential and encourages us to harness the energy to harmonize our inner and outer worlds.

Themes to expect:

  • Protection against negative energies
  • Increased focus on science, technology, & dreams
  • Clear understanding & inspiration
  • Great knowledge, tranquility, & peace
  • Enlightenment & overcoming a lack of love

September 22: Libra Season, Equinox, & Venus in Scorpio

The Alchemy of Equinox

The Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd at 1:11 AM CST, marking the start of Libra season and the autumn equinox. This equinox represents a rare balance between light and darkness, as day and night are equal in length. Now is the perfect time to reflect on what balance means to you, observe how you align with balance, and identify where you might be leaning toward extremes. In Libra season, we are invited to become more sensitive to the subtle interactions between ourselves and the Universe. Libra season brings an annular solar eclipse, Jupiter retrograde, and more.

Venus squares Pluto later that afternoon, creating intensity in relationships and setting the stage for Venus’ transition into Scorpio. As Venus moves into Scorpio, our attention turns to the shadows revealing themselves from our relationships. Through this transit, we are brought into closer contact with the deep, often unconscious, fears and wounds triggered by close relationships. Scorpio enhances emotional intensity and demands raw authenticity, challenging us to face our deepest vulnerabilities and unresolved pain that prevent us from forming genuine, intimate relationships.

We have a fantastic opportunity for transformation within our relationships when Venus is in Scorpio. We can fully commit and deepen our connections by exploring and addressing our fears of entrapment, betrayal, and abandonment. This is a great way to start Libra season!

Happy Birthday, Libra!

September 26: Mercury Enters Libra

Mastering Balance Through Mindful Communication

As Mercury transits Libra, we are encouraged to pay attention to others’ feelings and thoughts. During this period, we are invited to understand people more deeply, free of our own biases and assumptions. The key is listening actively and grasping other perspectives without trying to mold ourselves to fit other people’s needs.

Balanced communication and fair interaction are the hallmarks of this transit. By truly understanding others’ perspectives without having to disown our own, we can improve our relationships and navigate conflicts more effectively. On September 29th, Mercury conjoins the South Node, offering an opportunity to reflect on previous patterns and communications.

This alignment brings past issues or thoughts back into focus, encouraging reflection on how they’ve shaped our current mindset. The next day, Mercury aligns with the Sun, amplifying mental clarity and self-expression. This is a day of information, news, insights, and new understanding.

September’s 2024 Energy Oracle Card

This month’s Oracle card is “Ingonyama,” Honour of the Ancient King from the Earth Warrior’s Oracle deck.

This Oracle indicates the awakening, healing, and strengthening of divine masculine energy within the soul to take action and lead through love, wisdom, and understanding. Healing of the masculine principle is important as it provides protection and support for the feminine principle to flourish in harmony, both coming into union.

This is an indication of an awakening within you and the need to acknowledge your power. It’s a call to honor the ancient king as within and so without. Divine masculine consciousness is the key to conquering procrastination, hesitation, fear, doubt, and laziness, carrying the energy of courage, confidence, compassion, determination, leadership, love, protection, security, wisdom, and understanding. This is not about men and women, but rather the traits of negative and positive, light and dark, masculine and feminine. There is a time and place for feminine energy; however, this is about the masculine principle.

Ask yourself:“What fears prevent me from embracing my inner strength and leadership? How can I balance my nurturing side with my assertive, protective side? Where do I need to step up and take action with courage and confidence?”

How to Make Productive Use of September’s Cosmic Energy

Here are four essential self-care tips for September:

  1. Healing the Third Eye: Cleanse and detox your upper chakras, especially your Third Eye, if you’ve been experiencing headaches or feeling mentally foggy. To clear blockages, meditate or use essential oils like lavender or frankincense.
  2. Stay grounded: To stay balanced during the equinox, spend time in nature. Grounding exercises or walking barefoot on grass can help you feel more grounded.
  3. Daily routine reset: Now is the perfect time to reevaluate and organize your daily routines. By simplifying where possible, you can create habits that promote physical and mental well-being.
  4. Express gratitude: Make it a habit to write down three things you’re grateful for each day. Staying positive with this simple practice can help you elevate your mood.

In conclusion, this month is about welcoming the power of your healed self, your higher self, and really fine-tuning your life. It’s time to get things in order and start living your answered intentions and manifestations.

Slow down and honor your need for rest, self-care, nourishment, and love.

Happy September!

Keep track of all of the upcoming astrological transits with our free astrology calendar!

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