Weekly Astrology 18th March 2024 Forecast For All Signs



Out with the old and in with the new!

Know where you stand

Happy birthday, Aries

Make the most of the momentum now. Retro-free weather is about to come to an end. Even as your birthday cycle begins, Aries. I could say How Rude. Party-pooper Mercury slows down in your sign this week. But you are unlikely to allow it to throw shade your way. If there ever was a week to get things done and seize the day, it’s this one now ruler Mars shifts into your 12th (22nd). You’re in no mood to slow down.

You won’t hold back from saying it like you see it either. Not when Mercury meets Chiron in your sign (20th). The same day the Sun arrives. It’s the equinox – where night and day are equal. And you are aware of the need to balance something out. Your philosophy as your new cycle begins is: Start as you mean to go on. This will set the tone for the next 12 months. As far as procrastination goes – you are so over it. Or anyone who does this for that matter.

Your energy is at a peak. And so is your desire to know exactly where you stand on something. You aren’t willing to carry any dead-weight with you. You’re aware that this is the start of something big – and I’m not just talking about your birthday celebrations. You need to know who or what goes with you into it. Shedding brings you fresh starts and new beginnings. Is a new you also in order? If you’ve been thinking about a makeover now would be the time for your relaunch.

Inner changes work their magic and manifest not just in a glorious, better version of you but in fresh opportunities. Whatever you do now, don’t be your old self. If attention-seeking is your goal you’ll succeed beyond your expectations. Others show their approval with this fabulous social butterfly. Whether attracting an admiring crowd or the attention of one special person is on your agenda – you’re the focus. Proof that birthday wishes can and do come true.

In a nutshell: Your birthday has you setting the vibe for the year to come. It’s one of passion and forward momentum. With this comes a need to know just who you take with you. Don’t be afraid to ask those serious questions that lead to the answers.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (1st)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (1st) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (12th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (12th)


Inner reflection results in certainty

Confidence expands your circle

It’s it’s right – you know it!

Unlike Aries next door who are ignoring the start of the Mercury retroshadow and the end to the free-wheeling forward momentum that’s fuelled us from the start of the year, you are more than happy to go with this and pump your brakes this week. As the Sun moves into your 12th and your yearly cycle of self-reflection begins, you welcome the down-shift. And opportunity to review the past year and decide what you want for the coming one.

Needless to say – this is not the time to begin anything new. But with the deep dive comes a certainty. And potentially a revelation. For example, you’ll know for certain if you’re with the right person or not, or if your relationship has a future. Revelations may show you which way the winds of change may blow through your love life and you’ll act on this information accordingly. People can forget you hide a steely determination under that easy-going exterior and you’ll stick out for what you want. Even if this means walking away from an emotional investment in the short-term. You’re being set up for a brand new beginning where self-worth rules with certainty.

Ruler Venus meets Saturn in your 11th cementing friendships. Or offering a seriously beneficial connection to someone worldly and wise. The arrival of Mars in here (22nd) means you take the same approach with friendships as you will to all unions now. Plus your confidence increases to explore new ones. Go for that sure thing, Taurus. You know what that is.

In a nutshell: You’re in preparation mode for your new cycle, Taurus. Yes, your social life may sparkle. But you’re also content to spend time reflecting on what works in your life.. And what’s doesn’t. You’ll be certain of the difference now.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (12th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (12th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (11th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (11th)


Reconnect to your community of souls

Go with the surprise invite

Fire up those ambitions!

After weeks of retro-free momentum, ruler Mercury throws shade in your 11th (18th). Preparing for a back-flip and an end to green lights on the cosmic highway. Time to cherish those connections or that community of souls you count as your friends. If you’ve been powering forwards and not carving out enough time for your social life, think of this as an opportunity to prioritise your social life again as the Sun shines on your sense of belonging.

Mercury meets Chiron on the 20th. You could be surprised from hearing from someone out of the blue. Perhaps who you thought never to hear from again. Others should take up a surprise introduction or invitation. This could be an eye-opener. Don’t be afraid to let stale contacts lapse now as your social life brightens and moves on into a new phase with fabulous new people who can offer new experiences and the excitement you’re craving.

Saturn continues to move through its ruling 10th. And has an encounter with Venus in here (21st). Mars adds daring and fires up those ambitions when it enters here on the 22nd. A fresh career opportunity could be on its way. Or rewards offered for long term efforts. You are confident in your abilities. And also in selling yourself in. If you’ve a mind to change jobs now, mine those social and professional connections. Someone you know could point you in exactly the right direction. This week shows you the connectivity around you. Whether social or professional. It’s not just what you know – it’s who you know that matters.

In a nutshell: Nobody does it alone, Gemini. This week shows you the importance of those connections. When it comes to getting anything done. Career moves are highlighted. Again, it could all boil down to who you know. And who knows you.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (11th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (11th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (10th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (10th)


Play by the rules

Are you ready to be CEO of you?

Be boss!

Your yearly reputation and career peak begins as the Sun arrives in your 10th. Time to consolidate that image or what you have achieved to date. Be mindful at all times of how you come across. This is your house of public image. Your rep is your calling card. Cultivate a boss one. And adjust it if need be as Mercury begins to slow in here. Bringing the retro-free period we’ve enjoyed for weeks to an end.

Surprising and freedom-enhancing news arrives which could break you free of restrictions or that rut you’ve fallen into. But there’s a caveat in that you have to work within certain boundaries. No colouring outside the lines! Opt for the tried and trusted method and don’t whatever you do, challenge people in positions of authority once Mars reaches your 9th.

Travel or an opportunity to upgrade your skills could form part of this. If that rut relates to your job and you are the square peg in a round rut – nothing is going to keep you in it for too much longer. Venus’s move to Saturn in your 9th tells you the time has come to make your move. Fantastic career opportunities beckon you which may require you to take on more responsibility or assume some kind of leadership role. Project a professional image and be seen as someone who knows what they are talking about. Those in positions of authority are taking note and liking what they see. While you may be asked to take on more, you’ll receive the rewards that go with that now. Simply play by the rules, Cancer.

In a nutshell: The way to break free of any restrictions now means opting for the tried and trusted method, Cancer. Your reputation becomes all-important this week. Be seen as someone who delivers. And who plays by the rules.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (10th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (10th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (9th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (9th)


Rise up

Lucky happens

You’re choosing for the long term

Be a lover, not a fighter this week. Ruler the Sun reaches your joyful and adventure packed 9th house (20th). Time to let go of any need to be right. And opt for the freedom of that higher path instead. Do however keep in mind if you are travelling this week, that Mercury also in your 9th, is slowing down. Bringing to an end the retro-free period we have all enjoyed for so long. It’s not full fat retro – yet. That comes later. However, it is retro lite. Keep this in mind as the unexpected can occur.

Someone may be pushing your buttons. Hence my advice to opt for love now Mars reaches its ruling 8th. Your ability to simply be above anything petty is an act of self-love. Change heads your way especially when it comes to financial matters as Venus and Saturn meet in here. Anything you agree to has that ring of longevity about it. A seriously lucky break could be heading your way – and we are talking about a game-changer.

But keep in mind that works both ways. The flip side is saying no to something. And if so, that’s for keeps too. You may have to dig deep into your soul reserves of personal power as some kind of negotiating may be necessary this week.And it’s important not to under-sell yourself. That goes for your personal life as well as your professional one. Value yourself and others will reflect your inner values and by value that’s just another word for ‘love’.

In a nutshell: The higher path is the one to freedom and love, Leo. And sometimes this means saying no or simply refusing to be drawn into someone else’s drama. You’re above the petty. And ready for something so much bigger.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (9th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (9th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (8th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (8th)


Play with the transformative power of love

Direct your resources

Work your sexy!

Get your va-va-voom on, Virgo. Mars arrives in your 7th while the Sun lights up your sector of sexy, personal empowerment. All this extends your yearly partnership peak. And puts you in the hot zone!

Do however turn your attention to joint financial matters and what you share with another party. This may not be your boo. It could be around your income. Or what you share, owe or are owed in return. Ruler Mercury asks you to look at what you do with your resources – anything and everything from your time to your talents, love and money. Is there a need to direct these from one area and into another? Mercury entering retroshadow in your 8th (18th) prepares you for an audit of all you have. And where you invest it. What you share with another – be it a romantic connection, a living space, a joint account or a dream becomes important as does your share in this.

Big changes are sure to follow. In love you crave both closeness and intensity. You want to connect on a deep soul level – that transcendental connection that fuses body, mind and soul. Those of you already coupled up will have a lot invested in the relationship now. And the meeting between Venus and Saturn in here asks you look at ensuring that’s a 50/50 investment and return. Singles could attract someone with serious intentions. One who understands their need for a connection that’s far removed from superficial. It’s more than just romance – it’s alchemy.

In a nutshell: Look to where and towards who, you direct those precious resources, Virgo. Seeing as you’re in the hot zone this week, you need to get choosy about who shares that warmth. The heat is on – in more ways than one.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (8th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (8th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (7th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (7th)


Just do it

It takes two, baby

There’s no such place as Neverland for the heart!

The Sun lands in your 7th, illuminating your yearly partnership peak. Unexpectedly heart-starting events could kick-start the cycle. Never say never when it comes to love, Libra!

Do keep in mind that we are entering a cycle where you will be focussed on the duo, duet or double act you already have. Or even a past one, rather than going in search of the new. This is down to Mercury beginning to slow in here from the 18th. In preparation for a full reverse next month.

Ruler Venus remains in your 6th for now. Which is why you don’t need to worry about missing out on any opportunities. Venus meets Saturn in here pointing to working unions. And rewards stemming from this. Hey – it’s all love no matter how you view it. But this gives job seekers the edge. And the potential to land something sustaining.

Mars joins the planets in this house from the 22nd. Handing you the feeling you can take on the world. You crush those tasks as your energy peaks. Just don’t rush and burn yourself out. Or in your haste to free up time for what you want to do, skip steps on what you need to do. And then have to do it again!

Intense, thrilling and daring angles of attraction across the 20th – 21st take you out of work mode. And add that much needed excitement when it comes to romance or putting that fresh spin on a connection. Just when you thought it was all work, love or something you love to do, is this week’s surprise. Reappearances could feature too. So never say never again.

In a nutshell: Love always has its own plan for you. And what transpires this week could come as a surprise, Libra. Your yearly partnership peak has heart-starting elements of attraction. Around that past, present or even potential love. Or what you love to do.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (7th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (7th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (6th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (6th)


Innovate on a daily basis

See that idea through

Long term love seeds blossom

You could be fired up by an idea, project or plan that you have to see through to completion now. Projects, applications, presentations and paperwork occupy you. Thanks to the Sun now in your 6th, exciting developments on the work front could either give you a chance to showcase your smarts either with an enticing new job offer or opportunity at your present workplace.

Innovation or the chance to shake up that dull routine injects some much needed juice into what you do each day. Just be aware that Mercury which rules this house, heads into retroshadow in here from the 18th. Ending the extended retro-free period we’ve all been enjoying. So, stick with completing whatever project grips you before it goes into full reverse next month.

Elsewhere in the sky, ancient ruler Mars arrives in your 5th and you’re off in the pursuit of passion and flirting up a storm. Some single Scorpios may have already planted a seed, which while it may take some time to take root, could well now blossom into something serious thanks to the fusion of Venus and Saturn in here.

Your other task this week is to find that ideal work/love balance so you don’t have to compromise on either your career or your relationships. You don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. When people talk about the Eternal Triangle they forget that sometimes your job can end up being the ‘It’s complicated’ factor. You don’t have to choose. Adjust the dynamic and while nobody gets to ‘have it all’ you can design your life to get all you need, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: See those ideas through to completion this week. And tie up any loose ends ahead of Mercury’s retrograde. An attraction may have got off to a slow start, but may gain traction this week. Or you’re off in search of passion, phoenix!

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (6th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (6th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (5th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (5th)


Moves and sustaining changes can be made

Revive the vibe

Love is in the air!

Your yearly pleasure peak which begins at the start of spring (or autumn if you live in the southern hemisphere), begins with the Sun’s arrival in your 5th (20th). This year is all about a love and pleasure revival however due to Mercury slowing down from the 18th.

Decisions around home, family, lifestyle or moving can be taken this week thanks to Venus and Saturn meeting in your 4th. Mars arrives in here from the 22nd. Adding impulsion and the desire to get things done. Don’t however become dogmatic or insist on having your own way. Do take the feelings of those you live with into consideration and avoid unilateral decisions. However, if someone is making those for you, you won’t take kindly now.

All that being said, flirtation is most definitely in the air. Word-based foreplay has your motor running – and you utterly intrigued as this person offers you the whole package. What’s more there’s some kind of star quality about them – or maybe the stars are in your eyes. No matter which, this could be someone who offers the kind of romantic fun that could have been lacking recently. That doesn’t mean to say it won’t get serious however. But having fun is a business you now need to take seriously. If not in the sense of a flirtation, then in reinvesting in a current love or passion. No matter what, something puts a spring in your step this week, Sag.

In a nutshell: It’s not the summer of love but the spring of love for you. That revival vibe has you off in search of something heart-starting now. Past passions regain their allure. And flirtation could just have you in a spin!

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (5th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (5th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (4th)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (4th)


News puts you in the spotlight

Be ready for ‘Yes’

Big decisions add to your sense of belonging

Ruler Saturn gets a love infusion this week as it co-joins with Venus in your 3rd. Ready for some good news, Capricorn?!

Home and heart-centered matters also feature with the Sun now in your 4th (20th). Your living arrangements could change – perhaps as a result of a golden opportunity. If you’ve been longing for an upgrade – not just around your home, but in any area of your life, this week could well mark the start of that process – and not just spring.

If you’ve had more than your fair share of challenges coming your way of late, then the universe is about to acknowledge this and reward your efforts in kind. What occurs not only sets you free but also makes you realise just how far you’ve come. If you normally steer clear of the spotlight, you won’t be able to avoid attracting attention now in some way. Romance comes packaged with serious promise and long-term potential. News which arrives could astound but also boost both your spirits and your bank account thanks to Pluto now in your 2nd.

Yes, Mercury is bringing an end to the free-flowing forward motion we’ve all enjoyed for weeks. It slows into retroshadow phase in your 4th from the 18th. Wind up those home and security sustaining matters now. But take it that for this week at least, whether you’re looking to win someone’s heart or someone’s business, everyone may just seem to want to say ‘yes’ to you now. Work it, baby.

In a nutshell: The meeting between Venus and Saturn in your 3rd this week acts like a cosmic courier. Expect positive results and up-ticks in both your business and personal life. The news is good, Capricorn.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (4th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (4th) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (3rd)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (3rd)


Invest in the future

Follow the smart money

Be ready for a game-changer

A game changing piece of news could result from your own initiatives this week. And hands you the tools to plan for the future. All thanks to the Sun in your 3rd illuminating Pluto in your sign. Do put the finishing touches to any outstanding business however. The week has Mercury in its ruling 3rd in your chart begin its retroshadow phase in preparation for full retrograde next month. Its ability to create mayhem and madness is increased exponentially if it heads backwards in either a ruling sign or house. The smart money says implement those retro rules now rather than later.

The smart money is also a major theme this week. You know there’s no such thing as a Get Rich Quick Scheme. But your efforts could well pay off this week as Venus which rules your 2nd, meets Saturn in here on the 21st. Powered by Mars, you’ll do whatever it takes to improve the bottom line.

Extra cash or a new source of income could be heading your way and if so, it’s time to think in the long term and not just about updating your wardrobe. Establishing something for yourself is the real bonus here. And that means letting go of instant gratification and holding out for something so much better. You could be offered a raise, better paying position, or if you have been toying with the idea of running your own show, then investing in your own business ideas could be the way to go.

But think investment and not just investment dressing. Invest in a lifestyle, a dream, a business, upskilling or a long term financial goal. Work within your budget and your limits. And do what bankers do – pay yourself, as in saving for something, first. Before you pay anyone else. Above all, understand the best long-term investment you can make is in yourself now. Bank on it.

In a nutshell: Unexpected or game-changing news spring-boards you in a new direction. You’re in a position to make serious in-roads towards a long term financial goal. Have a plan for investing for your future.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (3rd)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (3rd) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (2nd)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (2nd)


Time to make life effortless

What needs to balance out?

No more chasing rainbows, Pisces!

If someone or something is proving elusive this week, ask yourself if you can really be bothered to chase after them (or it)? Because when you’re hot what you want is probably chasing you, Pisces. As Mars lands in your sign (22nd), turning up that spring heat, suddenly your focus shifts. Passion could find a new outlet. Or you simply decide you’re no longer interested.

This week also has Venus and Saturn meeting in your 1st (21st). Suddenly you know you are in the one who can take their time. And either something comes effortlessly to fruition. Or you simply let it go. That’s sexy. You may also make serious and lasting image changes which reflect the fact you’re not interested in time wasters.

This week brings us the equinox. When the Sun leaves your sign (20th) and day and night balance. This is now about balancing your finances. And also goes hand-in-glove with your self-worth. You’ve already made one big statement around what you are and aren’t willing to accept. The next few weeks continues to refine this process. Again, you’re relaxed and willing to go with the flow on this. No rush. No push.

Mercury brings an end to all the retro-free weather we’ve been cruising as it enters retroshadow in your 2nd from the 18th. Time to focus on your income and your budget. However, a win could lighten your week when Mercury meets Chiron on the 20th. If so, take it you’ll put to towards something serious, Pisces. You need the world to know – you’re not to be underestimated or taken for granted now.

In a nutshell: If the time is right and something is meant to happen – it will. That’s why you no longer need to go chasing after what you want. Had you thought what’s right, may be looking for you? Let go and let fate decide.

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (2nd)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (2nd) – Spring Equinox in Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in Southern

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)

21 Mar 2024 Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

21 Mar 2024 Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (1st)

22 Mar 2024 Mars enters Pisces (1st)

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Michele Knight

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