September Horoscopes 2024 – Sally Kirkman

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September Horoscopes 2024

Here are your horoscopes for September. You can also check out your Top Tips Astrology for September 2024 here.


As the month begins, you may have to act fast around money and work issues. It’s likely that the two are related, whether a contract comes to an end or you’re keen to complete a financial chapter and move on. The New Moon in Virgo on the 3rd is an ideal date to look for work or start a new routine. Try not to overthink things. Instead, put one foot in front of the other and work your way through your ‘to do’ list.

Your ruling planet Mars is on the move this month and enters sentimental Cancer on the 4th. You could be more involved with family or be creating a new family around you. Perhaps, you’re searching for what home means to you or you’re called back on a trip into the past. On a practical level, it’s time to get busy at home whether you’re renovating, moving or you have people to stay.

On the 18th, there’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. The Virgo/Pisces axis is about work and health, your lifestyle and routine, Also, volunteering and charity work, religion or a spiritual path. It’s in these areas where you’re wise to be curious and notice where life’s calling you. If you’re lacking faith, the eclipse could coincide with a wake-up call.

Finally, love is in the air as the planet of love Venus graces the star sign Libra and your relationship sector until the 23rd. The 15th is gorgeous for a romantic date or encounter. The Sun’s move into Libra on the 22nd heralds the Equinox and continues the partnership theme.


Your ruling planet Venus is in Libra up until the 23rd when she hands the baton over to the Sun at the Equinox on the 22nd. Therefore, it’s wise to prioritise peace, balance and harmony in your life. This is especially true if the start of the month is chaotic or brings the unexpected. Focus on your health and well-being and adopt the mantra ‘all things in moderation’. Being of service to others and daily rituals are the touchstones to a well-lived life.

Find time for fun and play this month and reach out to your local community if you’re in need of emotional support. Mars’ move into Cancer on the 4th favours connections with neighbours and close relatives, while the New Moon in Virgo on the 3rd is a lovely date to actively engage with a hobby or leisure activity. Get involved with a fundraising event on the 15th or ask for a raise.

The big event this month is the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. This heralds the start of a new eclipse cycle which highlights the social axis of your horoscope. It’s about your friends and group activities. Also, your involvement with society, politics, community or humanitarian goals. Plus, it’s about the things you give birth to, i.e. your creative urges. This includes your children, your lovers, your creative projects, your skills & talents. These areas of your life could be shifting and changing as new lessons or learnings emerge.

Venus’ move into Scorpio on the 23rd is the start of an intense few months for your close relationships – be willing to dive in deep.


You can pick up where you left off when it comes to home and family affairs this month. Your ruler Mercury returns to earth sign Virgo on the 9th, an ideal time to get organised and create new structure or systems in your life. The New Moon on the 3rd is an ideal date to start over with a home or family-related matter.

Action planet Mars moves into Cancer and your personal money sector on the 4th. This is where you’re wise to channel your energy, so focus on your future security. You might be involved in a property deal or be helping out someone financially, perhaps in your family. Aim to clear a debt by the end of the year or grab a lower mortgage rate.

Also this month, there’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces and your career and future sector on the 18th. You may feel pulled in different directions. Or perhaps, you find it a challenge to juggle home and work and feel unsure about your next steps. If you’re not happy with where you live or your career path, life could intervene. This new eclipse cycle is shaping the foundations of your life over the next couple of years.

Love is in the ascendancy and romance could be a welcome outlet from the serious side of life. The 15th is gorgeous for going on a date or celebrating love. The Sun’s move into Libra at the Equinox on the 22nd continues the importance of lovers, children and good times.


If you’ve been dealing with a personal issue or a relationship has recently ended, you may be ready to move on as the month begins. Going back to an ex isn’t wise if it’s not healthy for you. Be wary of getting caught up in an obsessive or jealous situation.

Action planet Mars is on your side as it enters your star sign Cancer on the 4th. Mars is only in your star sign once every two years and this can be a motivating, go-getting force. Mars rules passion and action, drive and ambition. Sometimes, it takes Mars’ anger to get you fired up and ready to rock and roll. Leap into the driving seat of life and crack on with your personal goals. Mars is an independent force.

Home and family life and your local community are where happiness and fulfilment lie. Channel your inner interior designer and work at playing happy families in real life. Loving connections and a safe base are the areas where peace and harmony can be found. Reach out to others during the New Moon on the 3rd.

Travel and study, education and religion are areas of your life that could be ripe for change during the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. You may be exploring your spiritual path or be engaged in a clash or conflict of beliefs. Or perhaps, you receive important news about a course or trip on or around the eclipse. Be aware, however, that eclipse symbolism often indicates that something has to come to an end or be given up, before you can embrace something new.


It’s an important month to focus on finances and realise what money means to you. Your ruler the Sun is in Virgo and your personal money sector until the 22nd, an ideal time to balance the books, be grateful for what you have and not waste precious resources. Reap your harvest. The New Moon on the 3rd is an ideal date to start over financially.

It’s important that you know who your allies are and that you’re part of a loving community. If you’re looking for love, ask for an introduction via a friend on the 15th. Another important shift is action planet Mars moving into emotional Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope on the 4th. Notice if your priorities in life begin to shift and you want to spend more time alone or with loved ones. Balance is everything.

The big news this month is the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. This is the start of a two year chapter when your money and the money you share with others is undergoing significant change. This might be linked to your desire for more freedom in your career or future path.

Eclipses can symbolise things coming to an end so there may be a shock around money. Or perhaps, there’s someone in your life who’s not playing by the rules or sharing equally. There’s a shadowy feel to eclipses, so be wary of getting involved in anything underhand. Money is one area of your life that could prove contentious but sex, power and taboo issues are also under the cosmic spotlight.


It’s your birthday month and the Sun remains in your star sign Virgo until the 22nd. Plus, your ruler Mercury returns to Virgo on the 9th, a cosmic reminder to put yourself first. It might be hard to get your personal needs met with so many demands from other people. Use the New Moon energy on the 3rd to reset your compass and realign with your personal goals.

People matter, however, especially as action planet Mars enters Cancer and your friendship and group sector on the 4th. Turn to your friends for emotional support and reconnect with those friends who are family in your eyes. Lean on your friends, if you start to feel the pull of a love affair or liaison that you know isn’t good for you.

Relationships are under the gaze of the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. This new eclipse cycle highlights your relationships, your one-to-one’s, your identity and who you’re becoming. These are the areas where life could turn dramatic or you sense that things are changing. Eclipses often have a theme of endings and beginnings, so pay close attention to what happens on or around the eclipse date.

Finally, when it comes to money, aim for harmony. Treat yourself and the ones you love if you’re doing well in your career and use your eye for detail to balance the books. Adopt a budgeting rule that works for you and get on track with a savings plan moving into the Equinox on the 22nd.


Your ruling planet Venus is in your star sign Libra up until the Equinox, when the baton passes to the Sun on the 22nd. Spend money on yourself, whether you’re having a style makeover or you’re keen for new experiences to know yourself better. The 15th is a lucky date for you, so use it well and say yes to life.

On the 4th, action planet Mars moves into Cancer and your career and vocation sector. Make the most of this and rev up your ambitious nature and your desire to get to the top of your profession. As a Libra, it’s the connections you make that can propel you forward. You’re a natural diplomat and mediator and your people skills are second-to-none. Make your mark, play big and keep your eye on your future goals.

At the same time, it’s important that you learn when you need to relax, rest and retreat. Time out can be healing, especially at the start of the month and leading into the New Moon on the 3rd. You may be pulled back to your past, as you deal with grief or loss.

Finally, the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces takes place on the 18th. This is about your work and health and being of service to others. Do your bit to help, listen or counsel without taking on the woes of the world. This is important if you don’t have a lot of energy or a personal situation is exhausting. If you’re aware that something’s got to change, this could be the time when things break down so you can break through.


What does ‘power to the people’ mean to you? You could make one last attempt to get your voice heard or your writing recognised, as you realise the strength of your beliefs. Give yourself until the end of the year to find your voice. Your traditional ruling planet Mars is encouraging you to get published, win a legal case or rediscover your faith from the 4th onwards. Plan a big trip too.

If your love life throws you a curveball, take a step back or get together with your friends. The New Moon on the 3rd is an ideal date to join a group, club or society, as long as you read the small print. Love could be complicated throughout September, whether you’re engaged in a secret love affair or your emotions are leading you down the road of desire. Venus’ move into your star sign Scorpio on the 23rd is when love and intensity go hand-in-hand.

Also this month, there’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th, the start of a new eclipse cycle. This highlights your friends and group activities, society and world events, also children, creativity and lovers. These are the potential areas of accelerated growth, where change may happen and fast. This could coincide with a social event or big occasion. Yet, eclipses have a theme of bringing what’s hidden to light. Therefore, any big party or get-together could lead to drama.

Finally, the theme of karma is strong, especially where money is concerned. Consider carefully what you’re ready to invest in and whether your link to the past could benefit you financially. Events on or around the 15th are the key.


You may have to turn your attention to finances as the month begins, ready or not. Perhaps, you’re fired up to deal with a debt situation. Give yourself until the end of the year to turn things around. The more you focus on your family, your home and your future security, the more this can inspire you to be proactive around money and finances. Don’t delay but take action as soon as Mars leaps into Cancer on the 4th.

This could turn out to be an ambitious month as the Sun is in Virgo and your career and future sector until the 22nd. The New Moon on the 3rd promises a fresh start and second chances are worth pursuing after the 9th. Don’t rely too heavily on other people to achieve your goals. Yet, at the same time, know that the right connections can and will open doors.

Also, there’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. Eclipses often coincide with significant change and, for you, this highlights your home and family, your career and vocation. It’s where you come from and where you’re heading to. You may be on the move, leaving home or transitioning to a new domestic situation. It might be a turning point for your career or future direction. Expect the unexpected.

Finally, love and friendship are linked as the planet of relating Venus lights up your friendship sector. The stand-out date is the 15th when love can flourish. Yet, aim to keep your friendships harmonious as this will carry you forward into the new season marked by the Equinox on the 22nd. Less drama, more flow.


Powerful Pluto dives back into your star sign Capricorn on the 2nd for one more deep and transformative journey. You could be ready to exorcise your demons, go into therapy or knock a personal issue on the head once and for all. Be bold in your decisions moving forward and aim to close a personal chapter in your life by the end of the year.

Love and relationships are under the cosmic spotlight too. It might be worth kicking a casual relationship into touch, if you’re ready for something more comforting and committed. Passion planet Mars enters Cancer and your opposite star sign on the 4th turning your attention towards your one-to-ones, both personal and professional. Let someone know how much you care.

Also, there’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. This highlights schools and teaching, learning and knowledge in your horoscope. Pisces rules siblings, neighbours and your local community, while the opposite star sign Virgo rules travel, study and foreign connections. Some hopes or dreams may have to be shelved or postponed and it may be time to be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve. Yet, other new goals and dreams could emerge in their place.

Finally, use your connections to pursue your career goals or vocational dreams. The Sun’s move into Libra at the Equinox on the 22nd is a reminder that you’re one of the cardinal signs and you need a mountain to climb. Say yes to a new job or role on the 15th.


Events at the start of the month could be the catalyst which set you on a journey into your past. If there’s something you want to explore or discover, give yourself until the end of the year to make it happen. This may be something that you know you can’t put off any longer, perhaps linked to the place you grew up or a family connection.

On the 4th, action planet Mars enters water sign Cancer and the sector of your horoscope which rules work rather than play. This is the time to turn your attention to your everyday routine, your fitness and health. You may be aware that a new chapter is opening up for you and it’s wise to pay attention to the basics, the everyday matters that keep you well in mind, body and soul.

Money is under the cosmic spotlight too. Use the New Moon on the 3rd to start a savings plan or get on top of your budget. Come the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th, finances could be rocky. This new eclipse cycle highlights your personal finances and money that’s shared with other people, money that’s invested or owed. It’s a positive time to re-evaluate money and what it means to you. It’s not easy astrology but it could show where your priorities lie. And, reveal your options moving forward.

Finally, notice who’s calling your attention, perhaps someone from abroad or a higher education establishment. You may want to travel for love or for a change of perspective. Decide what next at the Equinox on the 22nd.


You could be caught up in the lives of others as the month begins. Unexpected drama or events may kick in and you’re called to respond. This might be within your local community or in your wider circle of friends. Be there for whoever needs you.

On the 4th, action planet Mars moves into your fellow water sign Cancer. This highlights children, romance and all the good things in life. Whatever or whoever you’ve been searching for may materialise in September or over the next couple of months. Your creativity may flourish or you have more time to give to a hobby or leisure activity. Prioritise children and the ones you love. The New Moon on the 3rd is an ideal date to start over.

The major event this month is the Full Moon lunar eclipse in your star sign Pisces on the 18th. This is the start of a transformative period in your life. The new eclipse cycle highlights relationships, also your identity and uncovering who you really are. Relationships are where there may be more intensity in your life and it’s wise to pay close attention to what’s happening. Alternatively, you may recognise the impact your actions have on other people.

Finally, it’s a positive time to work alongside others to improve your finances. Aim for more balance and harmony when it comes to money and share what you have equally. The more you’re in flow with the natural rhythm of the universe, the more you attract abundance into your life.

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Sally Kirkman

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