Your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope September 3rd 2024
How to make things work. It sounds boring. It honestly isn’t. Which is why we all need to ground our magic with this spell casting new Moon. It weaves imagination with practicality and reason. Because it appears at the same time as Mercury ruler of Virgo, is direct once again. It also occurs just after a Uranus station in Taurus and Pluto’s re-entry into Capricorn. Throw in for good measure the new Moon’s opposition to Saturn in Pisces, and you have a potent mix which sees us respond to the opportunities a shaking up of the status quo hands us – but in an imaginative yet focussed way.
Magic often happens as a result of a sudden shift or unexpected change in how we see something. It’s no coincidence that the Chinese word for ‘Crisis’ – Wei Ji – also contains the word for ‘Opportunity’. Wei being crisis, Ji – the opportunity. This is because one usually leads to the other.
So, anything which up-ends or which we simply see differently in the two days running up to this new Moon, contains the seeds of something wonderful. And it’s our job as the magician/creators of our own lives to use our tools in an inventive way so we can access the opportunity that’s hidden within.
Some of us will try something astounding as one path is blocked off and we see a new one open up. We will take that road less travelled. Become more inventive. Others see past ‘That’s the way it’s always been done’ to replace that with something so much better. Virgo is a sign that is much more than the diligent realist. And Saturn is a planet which rewards working with what we’ve learned to establish something. Virgo is an earth sign while Pisces is water – water nourishes the earth and allows seeds to germinate and crops to ripen. Transcend your environment or simply irrigate it with a fresh approach. Upturned or stuck? Time for your magic. You have what it takes.
Rethink your everyday. And make it work for you, Aries! Chances are you may be looking beyond what’s currently on offer for you – or has been in the past, and now have your sights set on something more satisfying. Do not underestimate the importance of your 6th house. Especially with a super-energised new Moon in here. This one promises long term results thanks to Saturn. And also shows you the interconnectedness of elements you may have thought were unrelated. And how these impact other areas of your life outside of the traditional interpretation of your 6th – namely work and wellness.
Saturn shows us where we need structure in our lives. Or to put it another way – where we need to ‘shore’ something up or lay new foundations. Because this new Moon opposes Saturn – it will highlight where this needs to happen now. Yes, it may be linked to your overall wellbeing in some way. In that not attending to it is having a negative impact on you – mind, body or soul. But this could be happening in any area of your life. It’s up to you to focus, follow the clues or join the dots.
If something is causing chaos, upheaval or has simply been allowed to drift and persist, you have the ideas and the intention to put a stop to it. Your inventiveness opens up fresh options. Look to your body and its energy field as this is reflecting what is happening in your outer world. And yes, even if things are working perfectly for you Aries, you’ll suddenly see a way to get them working even better. Optimal you emerges now. Focus and knowing what you need to prioritise brings you the results.
Taking a chance on change is what the new Moon in your 5th is all about. Being open to the fact your past doesn’t define where your future can take you means you accept something has to change. And this always begins with being willing to shake things up by making a different choice, Taurus.
You’ve been tested throughout the Uranus in your 1st transit on your ability to pivot. Or willingness to try something different. Uranus is coming to the end of its time in your sign as it will begin the process of exiting it next year. Its station at 27 Taurus along with Pluto’s re-arrival in Capricorn tells you freedom is within reach in a given area. While the Moon’s opposition to Saturn speaks of a point of renewal where you can escape restriction and discharge an old karmic cycle once and for all.
New beginnings are always preceded by endings. Or simply us calling time on something. A healthier version of love could replace an old pattern or renew an existing relationship. There’s an element not of loss here, but of exchanging something for a better version of it. You will also shift your priorities along with this. And these include how you care for and fuel yourself. Go fresh whenever you can and you’ll immediately begin to feel energised and more creative as a result.
You are at a point of innovation. You can do nothing and just go for the same. But if you opt not to engage then what you may find is that things change anyway. What this new Moon wants for you is the love which evolves your soul. This may be for a person. In the way you relate – especially to your children if you have them or those younger than you in general. Or for something you just love – or used to love, to do. Don’t settle for more of the same, Taurus. Life’s a menu. Order something different for long term, lasting benefits and a rebooted future.
You are ready to do what needs to be done now. And the direction that moves you may come as a surprise. Being a mutable sign you quickly adapt and are known for thinking on your feet. There is a lot of mutable energy crackling across the sky which sparks new ideas as well as a desire for change. Even with a new Moon in its ruling 4th which is all about roots and security. You’re awakened to the fact that sometimes in order to shore up your life, you need to shake it up first.
Ruler Mercury is direct but not yet free of retro-shade when this new Moon appears in the other Mercury ruled sign of Virgo. But this does tell you that it’s high time to change something or take action. The Moon opposes Saturn in its ruling 10th and mutable Pisces. As well as your living arrangements, that change could impact your path, purpose, public image or professional/social standing or status. Wild card Uranus makes a station just two days prior in your 12th – upending the need to continue with something if it has been well and truly lived out. You’re so ready to move onto something worth living in or for.
Here’s the thing about this new Moon. If you are willing to make that ‘move’ – physically or even psychologically, it will trigger a new cycle which brings you fresh options and solutions. And sees fate turn in your favour. Above all, you will be fully aware of the need to change something. Either in terms of where you live, your lifestyle, living arrangements or even that path you’re on. Opportunity is knocking but you only access it if you open the door . . .
While Mercury has been retro in your 2nd house, you have been working on something ‘behind the scenes’, Cancer. Could it just be increasing your self-confidence and willingness to try without worrying what others think? Or even about the final result? Just doing something for the sheer joy and curiosity is often what hands us the outcome we wanted. Or even one that exceeds all expectations.
This new Moon says you are now ready for ignition or to show just how adept and capable you’ve become. It’s telling you the time of thinking, testing or refinement is over. Now comes the doing bit.
A new Moon in your 3rd says the only way to find out is to take a test flight. As in launching that plan, project or idea. Or simply strapping yourself into the pilot’s seat and letting yourself soar. And yes, all this takes confidence. Which is why time spend on this between last month’s new Moon and this one will turn out to be a good investment in the longer term. You revised, refined and prepared that countdown for a relaunch.
All this should have delivered a surety around yourself and those plans and ideas. So, yes – you’re ready for take off now. And Saturn in your 9th has ensured those pre-flight checks are all in the green. If you’ve done your due diligence, applied past experience and have a flight plan – the countdown’s over, Cancer. No more thinking or just talking about it. You have ignition.
This isn’t about change for change’s sake, Leo. Saturn grounds your decisions. And also indicates that you have been thinking about this for quite some time. Any shift that occurs is linked to your value system.
Funny as while Uranus can serve you unpredictability – the stable and secure is one of your main goals under this new Moon. But you will come to understand that anything that appears fluid or outside of your control is actually designed to provide this in the long term. Even if you feel shaken and stirred on occasion in the present time. There’s a message behind anything that doesn’t go to plan – including unexpected expenses – you have the resources to deal with it. Even if it may not feel like that right away.
Hope floats and its not a false one. Especially if this involves your money or longer term finances. And yes, changing your mindset if bolts from the blue arrive may be the only change needed. No matter if you feel stretched, overwhelmed or simply up against deadlines or decisions – between this new Moon and the full Moon in two weeks’ time you’ll suddenly see you have multiple options where before you imagined you had none or just one. What changed? You did.
Whatever you do – heed those nudges telling you to tackle something or else put a plan of action in place for your future. That savings account. Getting debts under control. That idea to get a better paying job or boost your income. If you’ve allowed anything connected to these areas to drift, now is the time to put yourself back on course, Leo. Money talks this new Moon. Be open to discussions.
The desire to do something differently this time around stimulates your imagination. The new Moon in your 1st is the astrological start of your new cycle. And its ability to trigger your yearning to experience the new, novel and unique is boosted by the fact that ruler Mercury is direct once more. And heading back your way.
You also want to know where you stand if anything isn’t clear. You’re not about to begin a fresh cycle overshadowed by ambiguity or open-ended promises. And yes, it is okay to demand delivery by a certain date if anyone is prevaricating. And if you do give an ultimatum, due to this new Moon drawing on put-a-ring-on-it Saturn, you are prepared to carry it through. Leave others in no doubt of the seriousness of your intentions.
And you are also prepared to put yourself on the spot as well. In that you have no intention of not following through on the plans you commit to for this fresh cycle.
Of course, new cycle – new you. Be badass to the bone. But your way, Virgo. If you are going to make changes to your look, style, face, ‘do’, appearance, brand – now is the time to initiate these. But don’t imitate others. Yes, you can use them to inspire. But at the end of the day – this is about you, not them.
Here’s the perfect quote which sums this up. It’s from French artist Francoise Gilot. Who knew all about the struggle to be seen as herself due to her ex – Picasso, doing whatever he could to undermine her. ‘For me, style is essentially doing things well. If you want to be outrageous, be outrageous with style. If you want to be restrained, be restrained with style. One can’t specifically define style. It’s like the perfume to a flower. It’s a quality you can’t analyse.’
So, whether you are outrageous, restrained or at any point in between the two – you define your badass style. Which has nothing also to do with trends – IRL or currently trending online. Of course, the focus you bring to this is totally Virgo. Define yourself anew.
Something about this new Moon in your 12th tells me you are no longer willing to indulge in flights of fantasy, Libra. Either yours or another’s. Often we reach for denial and delusion as coping mechanisms. We ignore the facts or reality. It’s too brutal. This week however you’ll come to understand that this does more harm than good in the long term. And also – well, you can only go so long before the steel of cold hard truth cuts through all the illusions you are hiding behind.
There’s no escape under this new Moon opposition Saturn. And guess what, Libra? That’s both a relief and a release. Seeing things as they are and not how we would like them to be is always the first step to actually getting something done.
I did mention your own flights of fantasy at the start. I could have said ‘Flights from reality’. And not the kind you think I mean. Such as – you imagine yourself going for something but do nothing about it due to fear of failure, criticism from others, looking stupid, making a mess of it or even having to leave behind what doesn’t work but is all you know. You continue to imagine negative outcomes so do nothing. While occasionally switching back to ‘wish’ mode where you see yourself as achieving what you want. The permutations are endless. And you risk nothing because you do nothing. And in doing nothing you keep yourself from fully leveraging your magnificent creative genius within.
So, as you have an early start to your new cycle thanks to ruler Venus already in your sign, use thee energy of this new Moon combined with Saturn’s reality check to ditch the negative fantasies and explore the truth around your capabilities instead. Become your own promise fulfilled by taking action. And as for others who try to sell you in on ‘someday’ promises – let them know you’re too busy living today to wait.
One goal to rule them all. Which one is the most important to you, Scorpio? Take a look at that list. Is there in fact one over-reaching goal that if attained actually takes care of a load of lesser ones? If so, that’s your focus now. But even if there is no knock on effect and your goals stand as separate entities, there should be one that above all the other, electrifies and animates your being. You crackle with intention and feel charged with excitement at taking even the smallest step towards it. But with this new Moon in your 11th, expect to be taking more than one. And bigger and more dynamic ones than you ever imagined you would.
Because your 11th isn’t an ‘official’ astrological house of attraction in your chart (those are your 1st, 5th and 7th), it can be easy to overlook just how important the new Moon in here is. Because it always opens up a new and different path in the quantum to our future. It asks if we want more of the same – or are ready for the miracle of something different? Now, if we continually resist exploring this, sooner or later the universe steps in and knocks us off that well-trodden one and onto a winding road where we now can’t see or imagine what’s around the corner. Hence, me starting the introduction to this forecast discussing Wei Ji. The opportunity which springs from the unexpected. Usually what we wrongly label a crisis in the moment. Often we can avoid the shock part if we voluntarily take the road less travelled without the universe running us off road onto it.
So, be prepared to take that different route. And to mindfully detour around complacency and what you’re comfortable doing. This especially applies to people who cross that path and invitations that come your way. This new Moon has the ability to set your goal posts (literally) and also the temperature of your social scene for the next 12 months. Again, do you want the next 12 months to be the same as the past year?
Once you have decided on your one goal to rule them all – or at least the one which deserves your full focus until you crush it, understand that what comes your way now is designed to provide you with the people, resources or solutions to bring it into being. So, don’t say no.
Of course, it goes without saying a one step at a time approach is what, in the end, gets you there. And if Wei Ji appears – while it may initially look like a crisis, it is here to put you on the path along which you can access them. Let go of labels like ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ when it comes to events. The same goes for what you think is your scene. All this is subject to change. As are you. You rule your future now.
Being the explorer of the zodiac, you know that there is always more than one route to the top, Sag. And under the new Moon in your 10th – you will seek it out. This new Moon says you are on the rise. But are going to do it your way.
That doesn’t mean you don’t have a plan. Or understand that this may be a long haul journey. Just that you are not about to sacrifice freedom and your individuality in the name of success. Some Sagittarians may find themselves working for someone who understands their need for variety and a certain amount of flexibility in what they do. Not to mention that low boredom threshold. And because of the results you deliver, they are more than happy to give you the leeway you need. And you love them for that in return.
You know what your mission is under this new Moon. And will do whatever it takes to fulfil it. This is about your career, your public image and your social status. And you being held up as outstanding and best of sphere. Doesn’t matter what you actually do. From astronaut to zoo keeper (both Sag professions), – you may do it your way but you will dress and look the part. You also know when to come across as playing by the accepted rules – and when to substitute your own. Again, this is all about the results. Which you know at the end of the day is how you are judged. And also most importantly, how you measure yourself.
This new Moon marks the start of a new phase of endeavour. Either professionally or around a personal goal. You will go the distance to reach it. And yes, favour the scenic route. But no-one should doubt your intentions, Sag. Your way doesn’t mean you are not 100% serious about the results you deliver.
Act in the name of freedom. And make a grand gesture, Cappy. This new Moon isn’t about small steps. Both your 9th house – and Uranus in your 5th, are concerned with your freedom. Anything that restricts that – self imposed or created by others or by circumstance – is likely to be kicked over now.
This new Moon is bold and daring. In the next two weeks look for people and themes connected to studies, travel, foreign places, the law, outdoor activities, big games and mass media. This tells you to go large. Possibly into uncharted territory in terms of your experiences to date. This Moon also boosts your willingness to try. It maximises your belief in your own abilities. It gives you wings to soar.
This new Moon favours big plans and big moves. It’s the bold splash of colour on that canvas. It’s the shining pin on that map you’re aiming for. It’s the first step on a larger journey. Take it you will make inroads towards it during the next two weeks. Provided you commit to this and harness every part of your being – from your heart to your mindset to move you forward – you may by the time the full Moon appears later this month, be amazed at how far you’ve come. But all this follows knowing where you’re heading. Before that leap – do the planning. They who dare have wings. And took the time to make them.
What the Wei Ji?! Being Uranus ruled you may be hit by sudden, surprising and unexpected change during this new lunar cycle. The rule with Uranus is very Monty Python. Nobody expects it and also to quote astrologer Liz Green – ‘If you can predict it, it isn’t Uranus’.
So, a new Moon in your change sector following on from a Uranus station tells you that a shift is coming. But may not arrive in a way you anticipate. We know what your 8th rules – shared assets and resources, taxes, legacies, mortgages, investments, joint accounts and property, benefits and payouts. Anything you share with someone or they share with you. Those chores, that bed. And then the deep emotional stuff. Your fears and those triggers. The taboo sector or no-go zone. Endings, death, rebirth, power.
The next two weeks between this new Moon and the full Moon, could literally see the switch flipped around one of these. But in a way we may not be able to predict. Simply give you a heads-up. It’s like being at cosmic GCHQ and monitoring all the chatter and trying to piece together the intel that tells you from which direction something will appear. You may get it right but you could just as easily not see it coming.
No matter what the Wei Ji is – it will shake you out of boredom or complacency, have you understanding you are not powerless if that is how you have been made to feel, or even see you rocketed up to heady new heights. Negotiations may feature with you coming from a stronger position when it comes to getting what you need. All designed for emotional freedom. That’s the ultimate benefit.
Well, this is awkward . . . Or is it really? Under this new Moon I want you to imagine you are on a date with someone new (doesn’t matter your actual relationship status for this exercise. You can imagine your first date all over again if coupled up). There’s excitement, the spark of attraction. But you are still at that ‘awkward’ stage of getting to know one another. Trying to work out if you are a good fit. Which can be harder than it seems when we may be vibing off the spark and flirting. And wanting to make a good impression.
We may also feel we don’t want to ‘ruin the vibe’ by straying into ‘awkward’ territory. By asking those questions we know we should but usually don’t. About the other party’s attitude to money and income, whether or not they want kids, how they resolve conflicts when they arise (and they will), who does what when it comes to domestic duties, or even what they are seeking in relationship terms. Now – just imagine – if you can have an ‘awkward’ conversation with someone early on – just how easy it’s going to be to have these discussions as the relationship progresses. You will feel you can talk to them about anything, right? And they will feel the same way.
The biggest barrier to love is communication and the things we feel we cannot say. Nothing should be off the table under this new Moon which ushers in a new style of relationship communicating for you. And if you are still thinking ‘This is awkward . . .’ – you can open with that. Single, seeking, settled. ‘What I’ve learned from the past’ is your next line. It tells the other party you are coming from learning and experience. It’s also not personal. Their minds open as we hear those words and want to know about your process. It also applies to interview situations. Don’t forget – that’s a two-way street as well. You are also interviewing them to see if they fit your work and career criteria. Not asking and assuming – well, we know all about that one. It leads to misunderstandings and disappointment down the track. Change that conversation with Uranus in your 3rd and Mercury now direct. See nothing as ‘awkward’. Just questions fuelled by love.
Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.
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