Monthly Astrology February 2024 Forecast for All Signs



Action sets passion in motion!

Fuel up on goal getting determination

Welcome to the Hot Zone

Happy hotness month, Aries! February is set to be a scorcher when it comes to passion and intention. And the cosmos is on-side as we hit one of those rare periods where all the major planets are direct.

Hot, hot, hot. That’s your V-Day promise this year. As the planets move into your 11th house, they encounter Pluto. The 14th has ruler Mars and Pluto meet. Singles could be out of the friendzone. If not on Valentine’s Day itself then the 17th could see a friendship transform into something more.

No matter whether you are single or settled, February is about to bring those desires to the surface. Future you makes themselves known! Goals take on a compelling quality. And your plans and visions for your future, are set to sizzle. You radiate an unstoppable confidence. Time to work that, Aries.

Not taking action to manifest a desire is simply not an option for you. And the more you embody this energy, the more you magnetise what it is you are seeking to attract. I could add who to that. So, keep in mind this is your house of friends, groups and professional contacts. The more you share your plans with others, include them and make efforts to draw new people to you, the faster, easier and more effective that manifesting becomes.

Your kickstarter day for anything from those plans, to creating that dating profile or joining that club, group, association is the new Supermoon (9th). Ruler Mars adds more fuel to your momentum when it enters here days later (13th). More in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

Do keep an open mind throughout February. This is no time to judge a book by its cover. If you find yourself falling into this trap, stop and ask yourself how you would feel if others did this to you? You have so much more to offer than just that surface impression. Nobody should be judged solely by their job title, appearance or social standing. Discover the more, the hidden treasure, about everyone you are introduced to or encounter this month. And you’ll receive much more than you expected in return.

Venture out into fresh social spheres. This month asks you be a joiner. And this vibe will continue even after the Sun moves from your 11th into your 12th on the 19th. As the planets enter your 11th, they encounter Pluto. Mercury on the 5th, Mars on the 14th and then Venus (17th). All these dates hand you astounding powers of magnetism, attraction, up your social skills or profile, or are ready to bring you close encounters of the game-changing kind. Those you meet, what you attempt, transform your future path.

The star struck 22nd puts you in contact with those who share your vision or your vibe. Or that crazy, unpredictable happenstance when your stars and another’s collide. Maybe the universe was conspiring to bring you together all along? This is not the day to refuse any invitation as Venus and Mars meet. Activating those manifestation goals and placing incredible opportunities on your path. This day is also your most romantic and loved up of the month. Sure, Valentine’s Day served the heat. This serves the slow burn. It’s perfect for date night.

This month’s full Moon (24th), is in Virgo and your 6th. It’s asking you focus on one particular area, project or to now look at the details rather than the bigger picture you’ve been creating all month. You could call it a smell the roses moment. Yes, sometimes we do need to remind ourselves just why we are doing what we do. And reset for the next push forward. You are now in a more spiritual mindset. Where you will determine your priorities for the coming year. Where to direct your precious time, energy and resources. You know nobody gets to ‘Have it all’ – but you can have what matters the most to you. Make this your focus. Relish the magic of the moment under this full Moon. And shed anything draining or distracting.

The month’s end brings a serious decision to be made as the Sun, Mercury and Saturn fuse in your 12th (28th). The day before Leap Year’s Day. Yes, if you are thinking of popping the question, you will be weighing this up carefully. And you also want to know the answer. No matter what it is. You are not interested in investing further in something which holds no promise. Not when there are so many directions and possibilities beckoning for you this month. But you are also ready to say yes to something lasting. It may be someone has a proposal for you on the 29th. Give it your serious consideration, Aries. This month is all about your future. Including the future of love.

In a nutshell: All signs feel the temperature rise this V-Day month. But the heat is on for you due to ruler Mars. The 14th is set to bring a transformation take on love. Or a goal which ignites your passion.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (10th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (3rd)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (11th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (11th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (11th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (12th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (11th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (12th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (6th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 10th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (10th to 12th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (12th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (12th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (12th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 2nd)


Act on ambition

Define what success means to you

Bring your best V-Day game!

Be ready to move on up this February. Whether around your career, your public rep or yes, get punching in your personal life. It’s time to go big or go home, Taurus.

We’re in one of those rare and special phases where all the planets are on-side. Not one major planet is retrograde this month. Opening the doors to powerful progress when it comes to those ambitions. Don’t doubt your ability to overwhelm those professional goals. Or get wherever you need to go.

Dealing with powerful people is likely this month. Or on a more personal level, that hottie who is also a ‘catch’. Radiate a compelling mix of self-assurance and knowing what it is you want to have or achieve now. Direct response February demands you ditch any lingering self-doubts or impostor syndrome.

You will be at your most alluring and brilliant on the 17th. Do try to schedule anything important for this day if you can. That all-important interview or meeting. That presentation, application and yes, that date. All eyes will be on you. Be ready to serve, Taurus. Nothing but your best will do. Above all, look to how you project yourself and come across. Your 10th house rules your reputation. And how those that matter or can directly influence your progress, see you.

So, don’t just serve your best game. But ensure your image is aligned to those ambitions. In other words, already look as if you have arrived. Now, I am not suggesting you break the bank achieving this. But do make adjustments within your budget if they are needed. It may be a good idea to ask an older or successful friend for honest feedback as to what message you’re sending. And if you are going to be rubbing shoulders with the A-list in any sphere, to rehearse what you are going to say beforehand. This works even as a mental exercise. And is a proven technique for both business and sports people when it comes to success.

As the planets including your ruler Venus, move from your 9th to your ambition generating 10th, they meet potent Pluto, agent of transformation, which arrived last month. Aside from one very brief re-visit to your 9th between September – November, Pluto is now settling into this house of your chart for a 20 year stay. This will prove to be the biggest success determining periods of your life. And February marks the start of it. The only way for you is up, Taurus. Those who have already ‘made it’ or are in positions of power, can open doors. Hence the need for you to project both the image and intention that says you belong with them.

Your personal hotness days are across the 7th – 8th when both ruler Venus and Mars still in your 9th put luck in love and other speculations, on your side. But from the 5th, the planets begin to join the Sun and Pluto in your 10th. Starting with Mercury (5th), the new Supermoon (9th), Mars (13th) and Venus (16th). Many of you will completely reset your ambitions under this cycle. Or redefine your idea of success. What was once important changes. Prepare to reach a peak or else aim for a new mountain to climb. Satisfaction and attainment are all on offer.

The planets encounter Pluto either on the same day or the day after they reach this house. Making the following dates definitive when it comes to consciously setting something in motion: Feb 5, Feb 14 and Feb 17. Also look to who you are meeting with, where you are and what is held out or on offer on these dates. And see how these align to where you see yourself going.

The Sun’s move into your 11th (19th), and the full Moon in your 5th (24th), lightens up that more serious vibe. You’re back into enjoying the here and now, socialising and yes, experiencing hedonism, romance and a surge in your popularity. It’s a welcome break from the more serious business of the month. Revel in it, Taurus. Reveal your fun side if it wants to come out to play. Do make an extra effort to get together with friends, spend time with your children or do something in the name of love. Live in the moment, carefree and free of self-criticism.

Singles could meet someone via travelling or a work-related event this month. You may find success in any area hinges on that contact, connection, corporation or even your community.

Agreements are reached, you and another find yourselves on the same page, or you step into a more prominent role on the 22nd. This includes a green light to pursue that dream of working for yourself. The meeting between ruler Venus and Mars on this day is set to deliver. You know that to manifest anything, you have to make the effort. And this day shows you just how powerful those results can be. If you have an important meeting, that first date, that pitch or even an encounter with someone prominent and influential, then the results of this will be days away. By the 28th, you’ll have the acknowledgement and tangible rewards you were seeking. That offer. That promotion. That second date. Any yes is set to build that success story, Taurus.

Go forth into February with a clear idea of what it is you want for your future. And what you deserve. Make this unshakeable. Above all, play by the accepted rules. And show those at the top that they are making a good choice by making room for you to join them. Raise your expectations. And build on your track record. February fuel takes you further.

In a nutshell: Your focus is on the lasting this Leap Year, month. Whether in your career or in love. Define what success personally and professionally means to you. You’re ready to invest your all.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (9th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (2nd)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (10th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 1st)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (10th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (10th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (11th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (10th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (11th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (5th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 9th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 9th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 1st)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (9th to 11th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 1st)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (11th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (11th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (11th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 1st)


Take that leap into the realm of possibilities

Love is not just the destination, but the journey

Get your coddiwomple on! (Your what?!)

Ruler Mercury and all the other major planets are retro-free this month. Yes, it is quite literally a Highway to Heaven for you, Gemini. Not a red light or a detour in sight. And it will take you all the way into March.

As the planets in your 8th house shift into your 9th, they encounter Pluto. Pluto rules your 8th. So, what this means is that you are allowing a major transition or shift to take you in a new direction. You are willing to get out of your own way to allow this to happen. And also let go of any need to control where this takes you. Stagnation is not an option from this point onwards. You need something which offers soul growth. And you know the only way to get this is to stop holding on to the familiar, and fully embrace that unknown.

What this journey holds or just what benefits it is set to deliver will be clear to you by the end of the month. Yes, it is leap year, Gemini. I’ve got a word for you: Coddiwomple. That’s a verb. Although it could be used to describe the card of The Fool in the Tarot which embodies the energy of coddiwompling. And no, it’s no relative of the Wombles either. Whether you are setting out on Wimbledon Common or further afield, to coddiwomple is: ‘To travel purposefully towards an as-yet-unknown destination’. The Fool takes a leap of faith into the unknown. That’s you too, Gemini. But The Fool also has a purpose behind taking that first step off the brink! So, get your coddiwomple on as by the end of .ebruary you will know for certain where that leap has landed you!

Blaze a trail and don’t allow others to restrict or define you. Travel may feature for many of you. Or just a metaphorical adventure that takes you out of your comfort zone! Your curious mind is hungry. Fully engaged, inquisitive and eager to discover what else may be ‘out there’. Here’s the thing about pro coddiwompling: be prepared to pivot. You can go down one path but then find yourself at a junction. Where a new direction looks even more enticing. Do you stick to your course or take a chance with the new one? The secret is – you would not have discovered an alternative if you had not gone exploring your original route in the first place! Don’t be afraid to change course.

An open mind engages with all the potential around you. Your first date for setting out is the 5th when ruler Mercury enters your 9th and meets Pluto. Take it you are now taking a transformation journey. Embrace the new and follow your imagination. Ditch the fear. Take a chance. Rely on your own inner guide. If you enter into this with joy and a desire for discovery, you’ll steer clear of rushing or being unrealistic in your approach.

The new Supermoon in here promises a bold, big fresh start or new beginning. Prepare to astound those who think they know you best with your daring! There’s an ‘all things are possible’ belief fuelling you now. Just be aware you won’t want to hang with those who don’t share your vision and your enthusiasm.

In love, nothing less than the breathless will fit the bill. Mars lands in your 9th and meets Pluto on the 14th. You need an outlet for all that passion, Gemini! But you may not yet be ready to get serious unless the other party shares your desire for adventure and freedom. Neediness, control and clinginess will be major turn-offs. You are ready to give your all to that fellow free spirit however. But also, you won’t be able to fake it if you don’t feel it.

Last minute V-Day surprises which involve experiences you can share are more likely to get your heart beating faster than the traditional V-Day offerings. And if you are the one organising the surprise for your significant other, this is what you will go for. You also love bold and fearless declarations. That new lover? Are they from far, far away? Different to you in some way? Captain of that starship or on a mission of some kind? If so, it could be love at first sight. You know how you value the mental turn-on, Gemini. You’re so intrigued. The 22nd rather than the 14th is your day for big love intentions. And seeing the odds in any venture turn most definitely in your favour. They who dare, win on this day. Hearts and minds.

The energy is mutable, deeply spiritual and asks you questions about your path and purpose from the 19th. The Sun enters Pisces and your 10th and Mercury follows on the 23rd. The full Moon is in its ruling 4th house (24th), this month. This is an insight triggering full Moon. Which asks you pay attention to your path, Gemini. Rewards and satisfaction are about more than just the money or professional accolades you receive. It’s about feeling you are on purpose and have something meaningful to contribute.

Yes, you will be leaving the emphasis on living in the moment temporarily under this full Moon. And looking carefully at what you need to support your future. Both emotionally and materially. You realise you need both. There may be something unclear about an issue which touches on home, family or even your work at this point. Do not rush to jump to conclusions. Or take action on it. Stay tuned to your intuition which will prove to be your best barometer for the truth now. Any worries or concerns that may surface will be clarified on the 28th.

Do pay attention to your dreams around the full Moon. They too may contain powerful insights or symbolic answers. This February is a Leap Year. Ruler Mercury angles to Jupiter in your 12th on this day. Not only will this hand you the necessary insight you’ve been waiting for, the Sun/Mercury/Saturn conjunction in your 10th the day before, puts your feet firmly on the right path. Or you now are shown the facts behind those ‘gut’ feelings. Expect now to make the right choice based on this. And yes, this could bring about either you continuing to coddiwomple in a direction you now see is the totally right one for you. Or pivot into a better one. Another definition of coddiwmple could just be ‘An ability to astound others. As well as yourself.

In a nutshell: Magic happens when you leave your comfort zone. Discover the magic to astound – even yourself when you take a chance this month. Your horizons expand. As does your experience.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (8th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (1st)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (9th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 12th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (9th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (9th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (10th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (9th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (10th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (4th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 8th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 12th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (8th to 10th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 12th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (10th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (10th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (10th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 12th)


Now you found the secret code I use
To wash away my lonely blues (well)
So I can’t deny or lie ’cause you’re there
Only want to make me fly
You know what you are, you are . . .

Sex Bomb. Tom Jones

Sexy and you know it, Cancer. Can you radiate too much? Well, you’re certainly bringing it back this Valentine’s and Leap Year month, Cancer. Just know that you are not for the faint hearted now. And honestly, if someone thinks you are too hot to handle, that’s their loss. Because believe me if that ends up the case – there is someone else out there who will thank their lucky stars (of which there are plenty this month), that you have made them the focus of your fierce, loyal and totally unleashed passion!

So, all the planets are lucky stars this month as every single one of them is direct. Making this a rare and special forward moving phase to be seized. Especially for you when it comes to working with a passion that triggers change in a key area. Pluto has now moved from your 7th and into its ruling 8th in your chart. Aside from a very brief re-visit to your house of partnerships between September – November, it is now set for a 20 year stay in here. This is about rebirth, self-empowerment, your money, your ability to set boundaries, what you owe and are owed, joint (usually marital but can be business), assets, legacies, taxes, loans, investments and yes, sex, magnetism and magic!

Your conscious thoughts and how you use and direct these, are your superpowers. And you will come to see from the very start of this month, how they create your reality. And your future. We start the month with Venus in its ruling 7th which will trine Uranus in its ruling 11th in your chart on the 7th. Someone or something opens your eyes to fresh, enticing and different possibilities. Especially around a key double act, duo or duet. This can alert you to how different the future could look for you in terms of relationships. And also show you that you are not a spectator in this process, but a co-creator with another!

A different kind of union with a radically different kind of person could be on offer. How open are you to trying someone new? As the planets shift from your 7th into your 8th, they engage with newly arrived Pluto. Making you the sorcerer of sexy with a magic spell of magnetism that few will be able to resist. You are the Mage of Change now. So, don’t resist the call to transform. Or to bring something to a close in order to accept something new and better. This can take bravery. But take it you have that in limitless supplies.

Dates when you can bring about self-initiated change or when the offer of it may be held out to you are the 5th (Mercury conjunct Pluto), the 9th (New Supermoon in your 8th) and the 17th (Venus conjunct Pluto). Do schedule that hot date, self-directed action or important meeting for the 14th itself. Mars co-rules your 8th along with Pluto. It enters your 8th on the 13th and meets Pluto the next day. A decision you make on this day could turn out to be a literal date with destiny. That opens up a new and powerful long term karmic cycle for you.

Success may literally be trying to kick your door down. Don’ be scared by your own powers of manifestation now. This is just the beginning. Above all – no U-Turns, Cancer. Because getting what we want or set out to achieve can often feel strange and unfamiliar, we can fall into the trap of believing it’s not right or not for us. So, we head back towards what feels familiar. Even if that familiar is limiting or does us no good at all. Do watch for this. And monitor yourself for fear of simply moving away from the status quo.

If you need to, do reach out to support groups or for professional advice if you have come to the realisation that change involves you exiting a toxic situation. This can be extremely daunting. Especially if you have been led to believe that you are not capable. Or you have no other alternatives. Pluto in its ruling 8th can show us where we are being controlled. Or how others have cut us off from our power. This is very different to our natural hardwiring that can see us resorting to flight mode when we enter something new. If you are in this situation, you need support. Lucky for you, the planets in your 8th, including Pluto, put the resources you need within reach.

As the month leaps towards March, the full Moon in your 3rd brings about a key conversation. Freedom or a move forward will be at the heart of this discussion. This is your house of news, contracts, business, your locality, siblings, neighbours and yes, your digital neighbourhood. The internet, your social media feed, your website. A project or plan could come to fruition. News leads to you saying ‘yes!’. You and another sign on the dotted line. Business takes off. You gain a slew of followers. You’re newsworthy or delivering news of your own to a rapt audience.

Any shadows of uncertainty are replaced by your confidence in your path or the actions you need to take. The Sun in your 9th (19th) as well as Mercury (23rd), open up your horizons. Obstacles are repurposed and turn out to be launch pads as we approach the final days of the month. This is a Leap Year, Cancer. Four days after the full Moon, the Sun and Mercury meet Saturn in your 9th. You will work with what you have and what supports and grounds you. And within this, you now see so clearly, what creates your freedom.

This gives you the ability to transcend limitations. And bring about huge, soul freeing improvements. A new relationship sees you and another aligned. Your finances improve. You escape what confines you simply by refusing to allow it to have any more power over you. Or reacting differently. It’s like that scene in the film Willow where Willow is asked where the magic is? You have the answer this February, Cancer.

In a nutshell: Know you own it, this V-Day month, Cancer. Passion is meant to be lived or expressed. Not confined. Channel your raw power of love and creativity, and make the earth move for you – and someone special.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (7th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (12th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (8th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 11th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (8th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (8th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (9th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (8th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (9th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 7th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 11th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (7th to 9th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 11th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (9th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (9th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (9th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 11th)


You don’t need money

Don’t take fame

Don’t need no credit card to ride this train

The Power of Love. Huey Lewis and the News

There’s the Hallmark ‘official’ day of love and then there’s the special Leo day for love this February. Now, I’m not saying that the 14th won’t be special. Because most of February offers you the opportunity to reinject passion into an existing relationship, or take action to attract a new one. Ruler the Sun is in your 7th up until the 19th. Showering warmth and blessings on all double-up endeavours. But if you want to know your real V-Day date this month it is the 22nd when Venus and Mars intertwine in here.

So, don’t worry if the 14th isn’t quite the hearts and flowers you hoped for. Cupid may have one more arrow to fire off. And more accurately when it comes to that target.

This month offers the kind of rock and roll that frees your soul in duos, duets, double acts and duels, Leo. For one thing, all the major planets are direct this month. A momentum gathering movement which will take all of us into March. Next, as they move from your 6th and into your 7th where they join the Sun, they encounter newly arrived Pluto in here. Handing you a new way to work the power of love, Leo!

February brings you choices around a past, present or enticing potential partnership. Expect sudden attraction, surprising twists and changes that work in your favour. And please don’t forget – this house in your chart rules any union where there is longevity on offer. Not just that spouse or live-in lover. But that mentor, working relationship or fellow mischief maker. That boo, bae or bestie.

Your current union may undergo a rapid evolution. Or you may be weighing up the choice between security and a sure thing, or the new and unknown which requires you to take a chance. Your heart may say one thing, your head another. Don’t worry, Leo. And please don’t be in a rush. You can take your time to weigh up all the pros and cons this month. Love is very much on your side! By the month’s end you will know what it is you need. And it will be clear and hallmarked for you.

Key dates for you are the planetary collisions with Pluto and the new Supermoon on the 9th. The new Supermoon is a key date of the year for you. It can mark the point where a new union forms or an existing one gets that upgrade or reboot. If you are a settled Leo, this could see you both sharing a wonderful, magical vision of what the future holds for you both. Single? You’ll be able to get a sense of whether this person is right for you by asking them how they see their future. Not just in relationships but in other areas. And sharing yours. The answers show you where the potential is waiting to be discovered. Or if you need to look elsewhere.

Your other dates are the star collisions on the 5th (Mercury conjunct Pluto), the 14th (Mars conjunct Pluto), the 17th (Venus conjunct Pluto) and then the 22nd – Venus and Mars conjunct. The 22nd as I said, being one of the most divine and intertwined days of ‘24 for you. And yes, you CAN defer that special V-Date date and celebrate on this day instead.

This is also a wonderful day to say yes to that job offer, to go into business with someone you already know and trust, to collaborate. Or again, if you are seeking someone, to put your hand up in whatever way feels best for you so they can find you. Do trust the universe with this process however. If dating apps feel wrong – then don’t use them. If they are right for you, ensure that if you are seeking someone long term, that you get this across.

You don’t have any time to waste on anything that’s going nowhere. Aside from a very brief two month foray back into your 6th between September – November this year, Pluto is now set to remain in your 7th house for the next 20 years. During this time, you will redefine your needs in a relationship. You may try several on for size. But if you reach the conclusion yours has no future, understand that you will now leave.

Shared values and a common goal are the foundation stones of anything lasting for you. No matter what form your transformative love experience is going to take. You will also be aware of those relationships and people you can ‘bank on’ at the time of the full Moon in your 2nd. By now your ruler the Sun has crossed into your 8th (19th). Followed by Mercury (23rd). Respect for your partner is a cornerstone of your relationship. If you lose it, it cannot be rebuilt. And your regal soul asks for that respect in return, Leo. To know you are valued is all important. Watch this full Moon for a demonstration of how someone values you. It could leave you glowing with pride and self-worth.

A key decision will be reached around the 28th when your ruler, Mercury and Saturn meet in your 8th. Saturn is the Beyonce of the solar system. It tells us to ‘put a ring on it’. No more procrastination. You’ve been building up to this point from the start of the month. Remember what I said about your heart telling you one thing and your head another? Well, this Leap Year you know for sure, Leo. Your choice as to where you and another go from here – or around the kind of partnership you need, is absolutely and positively the right one. That’s the power that love and Pluto hand you.

In a nutshell: Pluto now in your 7th isn’t about a so-so, superficial tepid kind of love. This Valentine’s month serves powerful, transformative, soul aligning love. This could just be the real thing, Leo.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (6th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (11th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (7th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 10th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (7th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (7th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (8th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (7th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (8th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 6th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 10th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (6th to 8th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 10th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (8th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (8th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (8th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 10th)


Love is in the air!

That routine could contain undiscovered gold

Nobody does it quite the way you do, Virgo

Leo’s next door have their own special love dates this month in addition to Valentine’s and Leap Year. And so do you, Virgo! So, think about what you want to propose in the run up to the 29th. And keep in mind that after the 19th may be a better time for love than the days leading up to it.

This month also has all the major planets in forward motion. Not one is retrograde. And that includes ruler Mercury which starts the month in your 5th but then enters its ruling 6th on the 5th. By the time we reach the final week of the month, it has arrived in your 7th (23rd). Sassy and flirtatious by then, it has love and connection in mind!

First let’s work with Pluto now in your 6th. Aside from a brief return to your 5th between September – November, Pluto is now taking up residence in your house of work and wellbeing for a 20 year stay. Let’s start with what you do and how you do it. No matter what your job is – even if it is unpaid work, nobody does it quite like you. That unique mix of talents, skills and just your take on things means the end result has a flavour that nobody else can replicate. Are you aware of this and making the most of it?

Pluto brings a powerful focus to this area. And also has you looking at what prospects for your future what you are doing offers you. Even if that’s just decluttering your space! During Pluto’s stay in here you may embark on a course of study, upskill, enrol in an apprenticeship, leverage your ideas in a more effective and practical way, or even change direction entirely. You could turn that hobby or talent into a full time job. What I can promise you is you will end up loving every second of what you do each day by the end of this cycle.

Ruler Mercury is here to help. It switches into power mode the moment it enters your 6th and encounters Pluto. That is because it rules this house. Harness your mix of enthusiasm, engagement and willingness to learn into any work situation. If you are interviewing at this point – it is these three qualities that will make up for any shortfall you may have in experience. Look at how you can most effectively communicate these. And if you are offered the opportunity to take on a new role or move into a different area, be willing to go there.

The 5th is the perfect day to try a new spin on an old task, shake up that routine or push yourself into a different area. The new Supermoon in here on the 9th means that anything you initiate now, could turn into something long term. And reinject passion into that day job, habits or hand you more energy.

Mars enters here (13th) and encounters Pluto (14th). You are paying close attention to the little things. Showering your pattern with small details and personal touches you know mean so much to them. And you will appreciate the little things they do which show you so clearly they are attuned to your needs. And take note of them.

A positive result following that interview, application, exam, funding request or project could arrive with Venus’s meeting with Pluto (17th). Yes, the V-Day month focus up until the 19th, is very much around lifestyle and the business of living. But singles can’t rule out finding love via their work or studies. Or even that fitness regimen. Walking your dog. That hottie who just joined your marketing department. Or the one you spot working out next to you at the gym. Other than Cupid literally taking aim at someone you encounter as part of your everyday routine, unless you are already taken, do resist the V-Day cuffing urge until after the 19th and the Sun’s arrival in your 7th.

You’re now taking a new pride in what you do and have created new habits that stick. You see how your point of power is in the present. And also as Venus and Mars fuse on the 22nd, how your own self-mastery and focus, is all you need to get the job done! As the full Moon appears in your 1st on the 24th, you’ll apply this to a key area or personal goal. Your workload, cultivating a Zen state of mind, focussing on one thing at a time as opposed to scattering your energy, sees you feeling more energised and also feeling you are achieving more. You are able to do what you need to do, without sacrificing what you want to. Good job!

This now sets you free to turn your attention to your personal life. Because here comes your yearly pleasure peak. Your loved-up dates this month revolve around ruler Mercury in your 7th. But the vibe lasts all the way into March! Love is your message from the 23rd with Mercury’s arrival. And yes, this also makes that Virgo full Moon perfect to share those feels with someone.

This could be a forever kind of thing. Deep, lasting, instinctive love. Or its potential embodied in someone. Your true love date is the 28th – the day before Leap Year Day. This day sees the Sun, ruler Mercury and put-a-ring-on-it Saturn fuse in your 7th. This is all about a union that is going somewhere. And one where both have the same intentions. You take that existing partnership to the next level. Move in, get engaged or set the date.

If you meet someone new, there’s a feeling you’ve known one another before. It’s not that your connection (or them) are predictable, but you seem to know without words, where this is heading. Meant to be? Could be, Virgo. It’s time to take that leap. And if you do – know you’ll both land where you’re meant to be, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury leads the way in a month where all the major planets are direct. In its ruling 6th it has you innovating that routine. And in your 7th acts as cosmic Cupid! Those arrows hit their target this February.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (5th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (10th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (6th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 9th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (6th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (6th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (7th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (6th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (7th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (1st)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 5th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 9th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (5th to 7th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 9th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (7th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (7th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (7th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 9th)


Enter the passion powerhouse!

Follow your bliss

Do it all for love

Let’s talk passion and how to express it, Libra. Not just the romantic kind, but what moves you. That thing you do effortlessly and serve with sheer delight. What is part of you and which you have to express. Not doing so is to deny who you are. You do it for the love of it. And the funny thing is, when this is our sole motivation, often miracles and success follow. So, not for the money but most definitely for love this February.

Redefine your hot zone. You are at your most powerful when it comes to attraction and manifestation this February. We have a rare window this month where all the major planets are direct. Creating a feeling of forward-going momentum and optimism. With you this translates into a scintillating daring and confident self-expression. As the planets move into your 5th, they immediately encounter Pluto. Fabulizing it beyond your wildest expectations! Handing you a slew of loved-up, lucky days. You activate these by being willing to step onto a path and see what it holds for you – simply for the joy of it.

Your 5th rules romance, attraction, children, hobbies, holidays, what makes you effortlessly shine and stand out. The ruler of your 5th, the Sun entered last month. Now we have Mercury (5th), a Supermoon (9th), Mars (13th) and ruler Venus (16th). And of course – Pluto. Handing you the transformative magic that comes from daring to do what you love! An experiment you’ll immerse yourself in for the next 20 years.

Pluto turns you into a powerhouse of creative passion. And you infuse anything you do with compelling and irresistible magnetic energy. Drawing to you abundance, attention, success, love and the manifestation of a key wish this month. When are the best dates to make this happen? Because while you need to be receptive, your job isn’t to be passive in the process, Libra.

As the planets move into your 5th, they meet Pluto either on the day they enter it, or else the day after. Mercury (5th), Mars (14th) and then ruler Venus which arrives on the 16th and encounters Pluto the following day. All these key dates point to synchronicities which act as a cosmic Deliveroo service for you, hot sizzling romance (the 14th), the creation of something new (9th and 14th), and good luck in business or with your social media (5th).

February contains one high point after another. And while the 14th offers soul baring and a major transformation around love and what you love, the 22nd is in fact, your most transcendent, lucky day of the year so far. Better than V-Day itself, Venus and Mars meet on this day. Dream dates and also this is the day where luck could just deliver what you ordered. Opportunities appear out of the blue. Bliss follows. Your ability to envision something and then see it appear shows you the power of your own magic. Do be ready to receive.

Now, take that feeling of inner bliss and contentment forward with you as the Sun (19th) and then Mercury (23rd) move into your 6th. This is Mercury’s ruling house. You are still very much in effortless flow, Libra. But now you’re asked to look deeper into the process you are engaged in. If you can imagine it, February should have demonstrated that you can have it on some way. As the full Moon appears in your 12th, use all the creativity you have at your disposal, to create or change your personal vision.

If it’s worth it, you’re willing to do whatever it takes. And your trust in your own ability to manifest it, and/or that the universe will deliver it, sets you up for the long haul. The 28th brings you a day of emotional satisfaction that is going to last long after February is over. This day sees the Sun, Mercury and Saturn meet in here. This can see a project reach completion, delayed gratification arrive in the present – and feel so much more satisfying for the wait, you and another are on the same page. Promises are made and kept. Between you and the universe first and foremost. And February proves it over-delivers.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus meets both Mars and powerful Pluto in your 5th this month. To say love is all around you would be an understatement. To ignore where it wants you to go – impossible, actually!


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (4th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (9th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (5th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 8th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (5th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (5th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (6th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (5th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (6th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (12th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 4th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 4th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 8th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (4th to 6th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 8th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (6th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (6th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (6th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 8th)


Claim your path

Truth, passion, belonging come home to roost

Ain’t no stoppin’ you now – you’re on the move!

Prepare for something intense whether you are single, settled, a hermit in a cave or a metro-dweller this Valentine’s Day, Scorpio. There are just some experiences we can’t hide from. Even if we want to. I’m not saying that you do. But a meeting between both your ruler – Mars and Pluto, on the 14th, in your 4th house, tells you passion is moving in. Whether invited or not.

All the major planets are direct this month. A rare window which allows us to take action and set those plans in motion. For you, this could well involve something close to home, the love you live with, your family, living situation, or anything which affects your sense of security and belonging. If you have been yearning to move and/or make changes, you now have the means, the direction and the resources, to make this happen.

As the planets move out of your 3rd and into your 4th, they encounter newly checked-in guest Pluto in here. Pluto is preparing for a long term stay in here. It will return to your 3rd briefly in September. But by the end of the year, it will move in to this house where it will remain for the next 20 years. This is the Rite of Passage or move of a lifetime. Where you get to determine your path. Establish something for your future. And do some serious adulting. There’s a saying that sometimes you have to go look for your life. This can all upon you to leave behind what you know and is familiar, but may not be quite right for you, and go seek what is. You don’t have to know what or where this is setting out. Ruler Pluto simply asks you be willing to simply trust you’ll end up where you’re meant to be.

Something calls you around the 14th. Or literally bangs on your door or entrance to that cave! How will you answer? This is the moment you can harness all your power, passion and potential, and craft a love homecoming that it totally right for you. Yes, for some of you this may well involve an actual move. Of home, company or even that project you are working on shifts, Or you now discover, love or that life you love, is right where you are.

Claim your destiny and use the following dates to set key plans in motion for your future:

February 5: Mercury conjunct Pluto

February 9: New Supermoon in 4th (Moon’s ruling house)

February 14: Mars conjunct Pluto

February 17: Venus conjunct Pluto

February 22: Venus and Mars conjunct in 4th

Although the Mars/Pluto conjunction on the 14th involves both your rulers, if you are looking for the love that feeds your soul, then the 22nd offers far more potential. The new Moon (9th) and Venus/Pluto conjunction (17th), opens doors to something more satisfying. And if you have decided any kind of move is needed – hands you whatever it is you need to make it happen.

You will either build on or break free of the past once the Sun moves into your 5th (19th) and Mercury follows (23rd). The full Moon in your 11th (24th), could bring about an offer on your home if you are selling, a beneficial move – including a work-related one, or you switch gears and opt for something that better meets your needs over the long term. Say changing banks or getting a better rate on a mortgage or loan, for example.

Friends may feature under this full Moon. Plan for an outing or get together. And by this time you know you’ve earned the right to relax for a while. Also, if you are a parent or discover you are going to become one, children may feature in your decision to move. This full Moon illuminates whether you have outgrown your present space and need to expand.

Do remember that this new Pluto cycle is all about you realising that you get to author what your future looks like. If your family situation was not ideal growing up, you will now be able to create your own ‘family’. Either by entering into a love partnership with someone. Or by drawing your soul family to you via friendships and your community. There are so many ways to define ‘home’, ‘purpose’, ‘family’ and ‘belonging’. And you need to know you now get to write your own definition of these. Based on what meets your individual needs.

There’s one more powerful, rewarding and potentially lasting aspect in store for you this month. It may be shorter in days (29 with the Leap Year), but it’s big on its capacity to deliver what you need. The 28th shows you just how having a plan and knowing what it is you want, works for you. This day sees the Sun, Mercury and Saturn meet in your 5th. This can see you being recognised or rewarded for that creative project, singled out for attention or an offer you can’t refuse. It leaves you feeling that all the work you’ve done has been worth it. And that you are finally at a good place in a key area.

The secret sauce to Saturn in your 5th is that for singles, if changes around your work require a move (of companies, locations, departments, responsibilities), in a strange way, this could set in motion a chain of events which leads to a serious love interest crossing your path!

February and Leap Year month asks you widen your perspective, phoenix. It’s time for long term, big picture thinking. This may require you making a choice or decision that to others appears counter-intuitive. But to you, makes not only perfect sense, but future proofs your path. And adds to your foundation at the same time.

In a nutshell: The start of a period where homecoming truths, healing and putting down roots on more fertile ground, put you where you’re supposed to be. The 19th marks the start of your yearly pleasure peak. Love could be home for keeps too, phoenix!


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (3rd)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (8th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (4th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 7th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (4th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (4th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (5th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (4th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (5th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (11th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 7th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 7th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (5th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (5th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (5th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 7th)


Ideas and words have the power to change your world

Pivot in a new direction

Say it – and mean it

Choices and decisions are made this month. Business booms. What you hear, say or send out has a massive impact. Ideas change how you see things. An offer or agreement send you down a powerful path. You break free of restrictions.

You’re also in the mood to experiment, Sag. Explore it and see is your Pluto in Aquarius and your 3rd mantra. Not only do we have pivotal transits occurring in your house of communication and commerce this month, we also see all the major planets direct. A rare momentum-creating window that will continue to fuel us all the way into March.

You’re open to fresh directions, ideas and also the sheer power of finding out. Transform your thinking, change your world. As the planets move into your 3rd, joining the Sun in here, they meet Pluto. Mercury which rules your 3rd, reaches it and Pluto on the 5th. You are ready to drive your ideas into the future. And leverage them in new ways.

Your date to launch is the day of the new Supermoon in your 3rd (9th). Say it, share it, send it and see where it takes you or what answers. This is a day which will see you totally focussed on a particular project or a goal. An outlet for your ideas (this is your house of the internet). Launches and submissions. Uploads and applications. How to get your point across. And what platforms you can use to do so. Hailing frequencies are open! You’ll be the one to initiate the dialogue and start the conversation.

Someone may not see things the way you do, however. And that’s okay. You welcome debate and opposing views. But the exception to this is the person who shoots down your ideas. Or throws up obstacles simply due to differing agendas or viewpoints. Powered by Pluto, you’ll push forward anyway. What am I saying, Sag? If you are a true believer, then ignore the critics. And by the time we reach March, your results will speak for themselves!

V-Day vibes? Hot and XXX rated. Not so much hearts and flowers as handcuffs and 50 Shades. The talk sizzles thanks to the meeting of Mars and Pluto on this day. However, while you won’t hold back on the passion, you also won’t filter what’s on your mind either. Someone could love your direct approach. Simply because it tells then you’re okay with being you. So they can be open in return.

The other constant love of your life – travel, may also feature this month. And if you can combine the two and travel with your squeeze – so much the better. Heading to a destination you love would be your idea of a perfect V-Day date.

But you’re not just confined to the 14th when it comes to adventure, romance, love, attraction and yes, taking that chance on that big idea. Days where there is simply no stopping you are the 17th (Venus conjunct Pluto), and a Cupid Goes Crazy meeting between Venus and Mars on the 22nd. Many of you may find the 22nd to more romantic than the 14th as the emphasis is on love and union rather than well – that other ‘l’ word!

Others could receive good news, a definitive ‘Yes’ result or acceptance, or find themselves on the move. A device upgrade, new vehicle or even a horse, are other possibilities. And yes, all the likes you’ve been hoping for, Sag.

The 19th sees the Sun move into your 4th, with Mercury following on the 23rd. You’re down-shifting a little from Go For It mode now. Looking to the long term results you want from your actions. Contracts and decisions may feature. You and another find yourself on the same page and wanting the same thing.

Part of looking ahead for you is prevention or pre-planning. Just because you are taking a little more time, doesn’t mean you are not prepared to act. The full Moon in your 10th (24th), allows you to look ahead and predict exactly where you may encounter obstacles on your journey. And so take steps to go around them instead.

For example, if your intuition is alerting you to possible changes around your home or role at work, you won’t be prepared to leave yourself in the position where you’re in damage control when it does. Instead you’re acting on your instincts and using it to apply for that new job or search for another home. Call this preventative medicine that rids you of the need to go find a cure for something!

The 28th could leave you with the satisfaction of knowing you’ve made all the right moves this month. Be they of the personal, practical or professional nature. The fusion of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in your 4th could bring you rewards or what turns out to be the building blocks of something lasting for you. When you combine ideas and right action, you turn dreams into goals. And goals into concrete reality. You’re going places this month, Sag.

In a nutshell: Nobody will doubt your intentions this month. You say what you mean, and mean what you say. And that includes sharing the ‘L’ word, Sag! By the end of February, you should be looking at lasting results.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (2nd)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (7th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (3rd)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (3rd)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (3rd)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (4th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (4th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (10th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (4th)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (4th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (4th)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 6th)


Reveal your super-self!

Know your worth

Love is your greatest asset

Pluto transitting your 1st since 2008 should have left you in no doubt about your sexiness and your power, Cappy. Serious work has been done during this time. You may have gone from self-effacing Clark Kent to Superman/woman. Fully embracing and showcasing your powers. No longer shy about your greatness. Having saved yourself, it’s now time to save the world – or your hopes for the future for your own precious part of it. Especially now Pluto has moved on into Aquarius and your 2nd house.

The other planets aside from Ceres in your sign, are set to follow. We’re in one of those rare and special cycles where all the major planets are direct in the sky. Green lights replace red. Plus we have the confidence to take whatever steps are needed to get where we want to go.

There’s a slight feeling of still dealing with residue left over from Pluto’s exit. Not only is this natural, Super You knows you got this, Capricorn! If something resurfaces at the very start of the month, do meet it head-on. And take it that this will be the last time you have to do this. Plus what this is will be no big mystery, Cappy. And by the start of the second week of February, this should all be done and dusted.

As the planets leave your 1st, they encounter Pluto. This is the start of a powerful, 20 year cycle which will transform your relationship to your money – and how you earn it. Your values and self-worth will be re-forged. Worth it? If you still have any doubts about that at the start of this cycle, your self-worth will be unshakeable at the end of it. You’ll come to understand rich is a feeling. And that some things cannot be bought – at any price. In fact, you may experience a few situations during this cycle where you will be called to stand by your value system when it comes to what you will or won’t ‘settle’ for or ‘sell out’ over.

Pluto will return to your sign between September – November for one final revisit. And then it will be gone for good. Never to return in your lifetime. So, with this in mind, look to those money making ideas or news around your income on the 5th, when Mercury meets Pluto. This could represent your first real encounter with banker Pluto. In full plutocrat mode. This may well offer you access to more of what’s in that vault. With more to come.

It’s what you do with it that counts. And yes, Pluto would love the double-entendre. So would Mars as it co-rules Scorpio along with Pluto, and meets it in your 2nd on the 14th. Yes, it is the hottest date of the month for you. Especially when it comes to working that self-worth. And others showing just how much they value you. This is your house of relationships you can ‘bank on’. The people who are assets in your life. Just as you add value to theirs.

Positive strokes (Pluto wrote that!), recognition, praise, glowing rewards and a sense of success benefit you emotionally and materially now. Single and ready to mingle? All this activity involving your rulers makes you the hot ticket item to swipe back. Pro tip to boost your chances for lasting love with Pluto in this house: Make shared values your deal-makers when seeking a mate. Ceres now in your 1st tells you that by now you know what you are prepared to compromise on. And what not.

Venus rules your 2nd and meets Pluto on the 17th. This could bring about a raise, business up-tick, new job offer or promotion. Or see you initiate that side hustle that allows you to use your incredible skills in a more rewarding way. You won’t be short of ideas on how to accomplish this once the Sun (19th) and then Mercury (23rd) move into your 3rd.

The 22nd and not Valentine’s Day itself is your most alluring and loved-up of the month. This day sees Venus and Mars meet in your 2nd. A change in either your fortunes or that of your partner’s benefits you both. New love or a money making opportunity rushes into your life. This can bring about a heart-starting new venture where passion and purpose meet.

This month’s full Moon (24th) shows you the road ahead. This could see you reach an important milestone before once more forging ahead on the next stage of your journey. In your 9th house, this moon offers expansion and opportunity, a release from restrictions and a chance to experience something on a larger scale. Travel – especially for business, and a surge in orders or traffic to your site or feed, are examples of how this can manifest.

When the universe sends us more, two things occur simultaneously. We feel that surge of empowerment and achievement that comes from knowing what we did paid off. The second is that we get to show the world what we do with this now we have it. One such day marks the close of February – a Leap Year in case you had forgotten. This day sees the Sun and Mercury conjunct your ruler Saturn in your 3rd. This will be linked to those feelings of love and self-worth. You’ve worked it and the results tell you you’re worth the rewards. Now you live the experience of having it. And being a beacon for more. And yes, it’s what you do with it now that counts, Cappy!

In a nutshell: I hope you are feeling love worthy this February, Capricorn. You have the ability to attract what you want. But it all rests with 1: knowing you’re worth it and 2: accepting it when it appears. Thank Pluto, now in your 2nd house.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (1st)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (6th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (2nd)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (2nd)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (2nd)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (3rd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (9th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 1st)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (3rd)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 5th)


Red is the new black

Fuel on desire, act on intuition

Get ready for You 2.0!

Roses are red – and so are you. The red hot item on everybody’s wish list this V-Day and Leap Year month. Even when the Sun exits your sign for your 2nd (19th), the focus remains on you.

Passion, desire and love are your fuel, your goals and your superpowers! New beginnings lie ahead. And you have more than one date on which to initiate them. First – wear it red this February. Or at the very least hot pink. Even if this is just via an accessory, or a more vibrant lipstick than usual. Pay tribute to the hotness handed to you by both Mars and Pluto in your sign. There’s an item or shade that’s going to work for you. Colour power is an often over-looked aspect of our attraction toolbox. But we can boost planetary energy by wearing colours associated with the planet in question. Even a splash of it works wonders. So, no, you don’t have to shell out on an outfit which you may not wear once the transit is over. Check your wardrobe or drawer for anything suitable. And know a little will go a long way.

Pick something which channels confidence and assertiveness. Bright, unmissable and bold. Did those adjectives just describe how you are feeling? Because you should be embodying all of them now. This is no time to be shy. Or serve anything other than total realness when it comes to your authentic self. But when you look the part, its easy to step into the role. And February sends you supernova. Your tastes may be changing however. So, you may be more than ready to introduce a new palette. Especially if you are finding yourself in a front of house or in the spotlight this month.

This month sees all the major planets direct. An extremely rare portal of manifestation momentum and can-do confidence that can be accessed by us all. But most of all, you, Aquarius. As you are at your most magnetic and compelling thanks to Pluto and all the other planets heading your way. As the planets exit your 12th, they immediately encounter Pluto. Mercury on the 5th, Mars on the 14th and Venus on the 17th. Along with the new Supermoon in your sign on the 9th, these dates all open important portals towards personal goal manifestation for you.

The 14th offers you passion. And also the desire for something different. This applies equally across existing and potential relationships. You have a need to get it right, Aquarius. And you’ll be open to knowing just what it is you need to do to make that happen. Not that you are compromising to the point where you give your power away. That’s not what the meeting of Mars and Pluto in your sign on V-Day is about. But you now have a clear vision for what relationships should look like. And the transformational path that needs to be taken to create these.

The 17th onwards hands you an even stronger sense of self-determination and empowerment. While the 22nd is your peak day for love and attraction thanks to Venus and Mars meeting in your 1st. In fact, it may prove to be even more loved up than V-Day itself. February leaves you feeling as if someone turned a spotlight in your direction. Or simply a light on in your soul that everyone can now see. And this feeling won’t diminish as the Sun exits your sign on the 19th and Mercury follows on the 23rd. Rather you will work it towards achieving tangible and material goals. And see how quickly you can work this focus to your advantage!

Your intuition will prove to be spot on from the third week of February. Don’t ignore this. And see it as just one more asset you have at your disposal now. This is another manifestation of your increased confidence in yourself. Trusting ourselves stems from knowing we can trust our gut instincts. Truth or dare. You intuit the truth – now, dare you use it? This month’s full Moon in your 8th (24th) asks for your intention, your surety and above all, your faith in yourself and your power. This isn’t about gambling. But it is about giving yourself your own backing. They who dare win. And also so do they who don’t doubt themselves. Follow this rule and this full Moon could hand you powerful results simply from sticking to that!

Which could arrive as early as the 28th. Focus and discipline as well as having a clear picture of what you want, yields many of you results you may be able to literally bank on as the Sun, Mercury and Saturn meet in your 2nd. Do leverage your track record and your talents now. You can revive an old skill, reboot a former career path or idea, or that former contact or employer wants you back! If a new opportunity if held out, it is because you’ve done what it takes. And also have what they need, Aquarius. Wear it red this February – matching the colour of that heart on your sleeve. And watch how this puts you back in the black.

In a nutshell: A massive planetary stellium – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars – and of course, Pluto, forms in your sign this month. It’s you reborn or rebooted in a fiercer, more passionate new form. Not going after what you want? There’s no force in the cosmos that can stop you, Aquarius!


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (12th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (5th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (1st)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 4th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (1st)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (1st)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (1st)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (2nd)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (8th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 12th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 4th)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 4th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (2nd)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 4th)


Forgiveness brings freedom

Imagination points to the future

Happy birthday, sweet Pisces!

Your new cycle begins on the 19th. With you totally, utterly and profoundly connected to a future vision which you believe in 100%, Pisces. Not only is this unshakeable – your belief in your own magic to make it happen is also not longer up for debate. You no longer question yourself. And refuse to be limited by your past. All this heralds an awakening and a rebirth. Along with a surety of empathetic self-love and reforged intention.

You begin the month in a mood to move on and forgive. Not just others but also yourself. Making mistakes is part of being human. And how we learn. See your errors as gifts. And also know that forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting. But you will turn wounds into wisdom that frees you from this point on.

The excitement and anticipation of new beginnings builds across the 7th and 8th. Venus and Mars in your future-forging 11th align to Uranus (7th) and then ruler Neptune (8th). Over the next few days, especially building up to the new Supermoon in your 12th (9th), your imagination and a vision of what you can have, achieve or experience, or even become, ignites your soul. And right up until the 19th, you’re going to be exploring all the many ways to achieving it.

You are helped with this by the rising tide of forward motion planets )no retrogrades allowed for your birthday, Pisces!), rushing into your 12th. It’s like they too are in a rush to see you kick-start those dreams! But with this comes a new kind of wisdom. That what you want also wants you. So, the next few weeks aren’t about you escaping into a bubble of fantasy and your imagination. But sees you as an seeker of the reasons why you dream what you do. And what (or who) is answering your call.

As the planets enters your 12th, they encounter newly arrived Pluto in here. Aside from a brief two month revisit to your 11th between September – November, Pluto is set for a 20 year stay in here. And key elements of your past and how you want it to differ from your future will be triggered as the planets ping pong off Pluto. This begins with Mercury on the 5th. Just remember if someone from your past returns now, you are the one who decides whether you go forward. Or not.

What you are seeking is love’s highest potential now. You’ll know for certain if your current relationship has fulfilled that. Or whether the two of you can reach for that together. This could make for a very special Valentine’s Day moment for you. Mars and Pluto meet on this day. Burning away what stands between you and real intimacy. Fearless openness and sharing and risking being vulnerable is your way to getting what you need.

Support your dreams! Let them act as your guiding light within. While the Valentine’s planetary power fusion may leave many loving the past which brought you to your present partner, others may feel the lack of having the right one more than usual. The new Supermoon in here (9th) will be especially healing and helpful when it comes to aiding you in healing those past wounds. And understanding you have to risk losing love in order to get it.

Two dates stand out for you that may prove to be even more unifying and dream creating than the 14th. Especially if you are still seeking love. The first is the 17th when Venus and Pluto meet. What how synchronicities send you unmistakable singles you’re on the right path. Or that what you are wanting to manifest is on its way!

The Sun arrives in your 1st on the 19th. Ahead of you in the next 12 months, doors are waiting to open. Keys to them will magically appear on your path. The 22nd offers entrée to another area linked to your dreams. Deep healing takes place on the 24th with the full Moon in your 7th. This is when what you have been working through all month really becomes solid for you. And you reframe past emotional highs and lows, as simply milestones on the way to happiness.

Look to who is your focus on this date. And how you can express your love, compassion, empathy, knowledge or forgiveness towards them. The more you can do this – even on a spiritual level if they are only present in your thoughts, the more the universe responds by boosting your belief in your goals.

This full Moon will also help you resolve any remaining inner conflict or pain. By month’s end you are ready to truly leap forward into your new cycle. What you begin now or simply acknowledge is more than a dream, will reach far into your future. As the Sun, Mercury and Saturn all meet in your 1st on the 28th, take that first step towards it. Don’t look back at the past any longer, Pisces. Face forward. You don’t want to miss who or what is coming into focus ahead.

In a nutshell: Your imagination is the under-used resource that is there to help you bring those dreams into reality. Time to harness it and believe in its vision. Your birthday cycle grounds one important goal down into reality.


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (11th)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (4th)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (12th)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (12th)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (12th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (1st)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (12th)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (1st)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (7th)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 11th)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (11th to 1st)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (1st)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (1st)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (1st)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

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Michele Knight

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